
     3.—The number of prostitutes admitted during the year is 151, against 116 that of
previous year; and cured 148, against 113. This shews a decided increase in the number of
prostitutes treated and cured in this hospital during the year; and another noticeable fact
is that several prostitutes when admitted were subject to the worst type of syphilis and
shanker, but they slowly recovered on account of treatment and none died. This reflects
some credit on Hospital Assistants Busheer-ood-deen and Aman-ool Huq.

     4.—In the paddy season, say for four months, there remain about 12 ships daily in this
port, and each ship contains an average about 20 sailors, i. e., about 240 sailors remain
in the port and frequents the bazaar, but very few are admitted in the Akyab General
Seamen's Hospital for venereal diseases; but these few sailors, I suspect, contracted the
disease by frequenting the Burmese quarters, where they are tempted to go by dalâls in
hope of obtaining more money as their commission from the Burmese prostitutes. These
women remain in various localities of the town, and are very privately going on with the
business of prostitutes, but cannot be caught by police on account of one of the dalâls
appearing before the court, deposing on oath that the woman was kept by him, and several
other dalâls may appear as his witness to vouch for the truthfulness of his statement.

     5.—In short, the working of this lock-hospital is very satisfactory, as can be seen by the
attached statements Nos. 1, 2, and. 3; but there is one defect which I think has been
never reported by my predecessors, i. e., the bedding, which never has been supplied to the
lock-hospital. There ought at least to be 15 cots with mattrasses, pillows, and sufficient
bed-sheets supplied. I found all prostitutes retained in the hospital for treatment have
to sleep on the hard plank-floor of the ward, and some of them with scarcely any clothes to
cover themselves. I think in the cold season they suffer much from cold, and consequently
their health becomes impaired.