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Extract from proceedings of the Cantonment Committee assembled on the
11th January, 1878.

      THE committee consider the medical officer's report very satisfactory, as showing
a great diminution of venereal disease during the past year, an improvement attribu-
table chiefly to the city having been placed out of bounds, and partly also to greater
vigilance on the part of the cantonment police.

F. WHEELER, MAJOR,                  

Cantt. Magistrate, and Secy., Cantt. Committee.


      1. Change in hospital accommodation during the year.—No change has been made
in the hospital accommodation during the year, and the present hospital is sufficient
and quite satisfactory in all respects.

      2. Change in the medical charge of lock-hospital during the year.—Surgeon
Shaw, A.M.D., officiated during the months of April, May, and June ; Surgeon-Major
J. B. Hamilton has been in medical charge since the 13th December, 1875.

      3. Extent of venereal disease among European troops as indicated by the weekly
returns.—During the year 49 cases of primary syphilis and 117 cases of gonorrhœa
were admitted from the 1st battalion, 3rd (The Buffs) Regiment, and 4 cases of syphi-
lis primary and 5 cases of gonorrhœa from F-5 (late F-19), Royal Artillery.

      Of this number, 10 cases of syphilis primary and 21 cases of gonorrhœa among
the men of The Buffs were contracted out of the station and 6 relapses of gonorrhœa ;
and 17 cases of syphilis primary and 32 cases of gonorrhœa were contracted by the
men of the same regiment from unregistered prostitutes, i.e., women lurking about
the roads and cantonments at night and in the city.

      From F-5, Royal Artillery, 3 cases of syphilis primary and 4 cases of gonorrhœa
were contracted out of the station, and no cases of syphilis primary and gonorrhœa
were contracted from unregistered women.

      Among the men attacked all the cases were imported, but they are included in
the above returns. Thus leaving 23 cases, of syphilis primary and 59 cases of
gonorrhœa to be attributed to the registered women of the city and cantonment,
or a total number of primary cases of disease 82.

      3(b). Venereal returns.—These have been regularly received weekly from the
senior medical officer, British troops.

      4. Cantonment sub-committee.—This committee, composed of the officers com-
manding the British corps, the cantonment magistrate, the senior medical officer,
British forces, with the officer in medical charge of the lock-hospital, met on the last
Monday in every month and submitted their report.