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Annual Statement No. I. of the Lock-Hospital at Cawnpore for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Local Government
or Administra-
Date on which lock-
hospital was es-
Act under which
the rules are in
Area over which
the rules are in
Estimated native
population with-
in this area.
Details of monthly pay of
Whether a first or
second class hos-
12th December,
Section 19,
Act XXII. of 1864
Five miles. ...   Rs. a. p. 1st class.  
Medical officer 100 0 0
Native doctor 20 0 0
Matron 10 0 0
Dhai 5 0 0
Cook 6 0 0
Chaukidar 5 0 0
Bhisti 4 0 0
Female Sweeper 4 0 0
Total 154 0 0

Annual Statement No. II. of the Lock-Hospital at Cawnpore for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Area. Number of registered
Average number of
prostitutes on the
register in each
month for the
Average number of
prostitutes attend-
ing the periodical
Number reported to
cantonment ma
gistrate or other
civil authority for
Number of prosti-
tutes found dis-
eased at the peri-
odical examina-
tions and detained
for treatment.
RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number of
prostitutes in hos-
pital for each
month and the
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
With a radius
of five miles
from the
Number remained on the
register at the end of
last year, 1876.
166 January 161.6 January 148.0 January 9 January 20 43 A. Primary syphilis, 11 230 241 222 ... 19 241 January 18.0
    February 156.11 February 141.8 February 8 February 37 43 B, Secondary do. ... 2 2 2   ... 2 February 26.10
    March 153.5 March 138.2 March 10 March 28 585 C. Gonorrhœa 2 127 129 122 ... 7 129 March 23.2
Number added to the regis-
ter during the year 1877.
88 April 149 .5 April 132.10 April 7 April 31 670 Leucorrhœa   17 17 17     17 April 25.0
    May 152.7 May 134.7 May 5 May 40 683 Abscess ... 1 1 1 ...   1 May 38.6
    June 154.10 June 128.12 June 6 June 54 15 A. Ague ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 June 47.0
Total 254 July 157.9 July 141.6 July 5 July 48 894 Itch ... 2 2 2 ... ... 2 July 25.6
    August 155.2 August 133.5 August 8 August 30 905 Debility ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1 August 22.6
Number removed their
names from the register,
died, or absconded dur-
the year 1877.
91 September 151.0 September, 132.7 September, 5 September 22 1,092 Contusion ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 Sebtember 15.6
    October 149.11 October 126.8 October 7 October 34 Under observation ... 14 14 14 ... ... 14 October 21.6
    November, 156.5 November, 131.0 November, 6 November, 20                 November, 22.2
    December, 156.5 December, 131.0 December, 5 December, 32                 December, 24.2
Number remaining on the
31st December, 1877.
163 Average for
the year.
154.14 Average for
the year.
134.63 Total for the
81 Total for the
396 Total 13 396 409 382 ... 27 409 Average for
the year.

The 1st January, 1878.

                                              J.B NAMILTON, M.D., SURGEON-MAJOR,

                                                                                         In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.