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Annual Statement No. 1. of the Lock-Hospital at Agra for the year 1877.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Local Government or
Date on which the
lock-hospital was
Act under which the
rules are in force.
Area over which the
rules are in force.
Estimated native po-
pulation in this
Detail of monthly pay of establishment. Whether a first
or second class
            Rs. a. p.    
June, 1866, for
Act XXII, of 1864. Within cantonment
1,962 acres or 3,066
square miles, also
native city and en-
virons within five
miles radius from fort.
18,736 in canton-
Medical officer 100 0 0 1st class.  
Hospital assistant *25 0 0   *Under con-
Matron 15 0 0  
Cook 5 0 0  
Bhisti 5 0 0  
Chaprasi 5 0 0  
Female sweeper 6 0 0  
Mahuldarini or second dhai 7 0 0  
          For city inspection-house. 168 0 0  
  May, 1873, for city.     150,000 in city. Assistant surgeon 25 0 0    
          Chaukidar of city house 4 0 0    
          Bhisti 1 0 0    
          Sweeper 1 0 0    
          Total 31 0 0    
          Grand Total 199 0 0    

FORM IV.—Annual Report of the Lock-Hospital at Cantonment
Agra from 1st January to 31st December,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  Number of registered
Average number
on the register in
each month and
for the year.
Average number of
Prositutes at-
tending the pe-
riodical exami-
Number reported to
cantonment ma-
gistrate or other
civil authority
for non-attend-
Number of prosti-
tutes found dis
eased at exami-
nations at and de-
tained for treat-
RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number of
prostitutes in
hospital for each
month and the
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
                      Venereal Diseases.                  
The area over
which the rules
for the preven-
tion in force in-
cluded 1,962
acres or 3.066
square miles.
Number remaining on the
register at the end of
last year
95 January 93.00 January 74.00 January 5 January 12 Gonorrhœa 3 29 32 31 ... 1 32 January 5.38
February 98.68 February 80.66 February 6 February 10 Syphilis primary 1 16 17 16 ... 1 17 February, 6.39
March 10.150 March 88.50 March 2 March 6 Do. secondary   6 6 6     6 March 7.12
Number added to the re-
gister during the year
49 April 99.00 April 84.66 April 3 April 11 Total 4 51 55 53 ... 2 55 April 8.00
May 85.50 May 82.50 May 3 May 6 May 7.15
    June 86.50 June 83.50 June ... June 8 Non-venereal diseases.               June 4.03
Total 144 July 83.50 July 78.25 July 8 July 10 Ulcer os uterus ... 7 7 5 .. 2 7 July 6.16
    August 86.50 August 79.5 August 2 August 4 ,,   neck uterus . ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 August 8 29
Number who removed their
names from the regis-
ter, died. or absconded
during the year
69 September 85.50 September 81.50 September 4 September, 4 ,,   labium 1 5 6 5 ... 1 6 September 6.70
October 86.25 October 78.75 October 8 October 7 ,,   vaginæ ... 3 3 3 ... ... 3 October 5.58
November 80.00 November, 75.00 November, 2 November, 8 ,,   urethra ... 1 1 1     1 November, 5 80
December 77.50 December, 74 00 December, 1 December, 8 Abscess ... 2 2 2 ... ... 2 December, 5.64
Number remaining on 31st
   December, 1877
75                 ,,   vaginæ ... 2 2 2 ... ... 2    
                Swelling labium. ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1    
                    Redness of cicatrix ... 3 3 2 ... 1 3    
                      Leucorrhœa ... 4 4 4 ... ... 4    
                      Observation ... 14 14 14 ... ... 14    
                      Total 1 43 44 40 ... 4 44    
  Total 144 Average for
the year.
88.70 Average for
the year.
80.06 Total for the
44 Total for the
94 Grand Total 6 94 99 93 ... 6 99 Average for
the year.
6 37