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Annual Return of the Lock-Hospital at City Agra from 1st January to 31st December, 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  Number of registered prostitutes. Average number
on the register in
each month and
for the year.
Average number of
prostitutes attend-
ing the periodical
Number reported
to cantonment
magistrate or
other civil au-
thority for
Number of Pros
titutes found
diseased at ex-
aminations and
detained for
RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number
of prostitutes
in hospital for
each a month
and the year.
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
The area over which the rules for the preven-
tion force included five miles from fort.
  Venereal diseases.  
    January 57.50 January 51.00 January ... January 1 Gonorrhœa 4 14 18 18 ... ... 18 January 5.77
Number remaining on the register at the end of last year 69 February 60.00 February 49.00 February 6 February 7 Syphilis primary 1 7 8 7 ... 1 8 February 7.96
    March 58.66 March 52.33 March 4 March 6 Do. secondary 1 2 3 2 ... 1 3 March 5.90
Number added to the register during the year 10 April 59.50 April 54.00 April 4 April 3 Total 6 23 29 27 ... 2 29 April 1.56
    May 58.50 May 30.50 May 5 May 3   May 2.96
Total 79 June 57.00 June 48.00 June 3 June 7 Non-venereal diseases.   June 3.60
    July 58.50 July , 45.50 July ... July ... Ulcer on os uterus 1 8 9 9 ... ... 1 July 1.54
    August 59.50 August 48.50 August 3 August 4 Ulcer neck of uterus, ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 August 1.61
    September, 59.00 September, 48 00 September, 13 September, 1 Ulcer labium. ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 September, 0.66
Number who removed their names
from the register, died, ab-
orsconded during the year
23 October 59.56 October 49.50 October 11 October ... Abscess labium ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1 October 1.00
    November, 59.60 November, 49.50 November, 11 November, 1 Leucorrhœa ... 2 2 2 ... ... 2 November, 1.16
    December, 57.50 December 47.00 December, 12 December, 4 Observation ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 December 2.22
Number remaining on 31st Decem-
ber, 1877
56   Total 1 14 15 14 ... 1 15    
Total 79 Average for
the year.
59.51 Average for
the year.
49.40 Total for
the year.
72 Total for the
37 Grand Total 7 37 44 41 ... 3 44 Average for
the year

Agra, the 1st january, 1878.


In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.