( 19 )

Numbers on the register.

       The number on the register at the end of 1876 was 89, the number added to the
register 67, the number who removed their names or absconded
52, leaving a remainder of 104 on the register on the 31st Decem-
ber, 1877, or an increase of 15 over the previous year. This is a slight improvement.

       7. Registration fees.—No fees have been levied.

       8. Regularity of attendance at examinations.—The attendance of the women
at the periodical examinations was very good, and remains so. The average number
of prostitutes on the register for the year was 95.2, and the average attendance 90.5,
which is very good.

       Sudder absentees.
Individual women absent.

       There were eight cases of absence reported from the sudder during the year;
of these there were seven individual cases of absence, and one
woman twice.

City absentees.

       The number of cases of absence reported from the city was
46; of these—

       24 women were absent once,

       8  „  „  „ twice, and

       2  „  „  „ three times.

Individual women absent.

       The number of cases of individual absence was 34.

       Unlicensed prostitutes.

       The number of women apprehended for practising without a license was 9. Of
these three were convicted and imprisoned. This does not
take in the number of women who were sent up for examina-
tion to the lock-hospital, and being diseased were retained till well.

Registered women pun-
ished for breach of rules.

       The number of registered women punished for breach of
rules was 38, against 18 the previous year.

Nature of punishment.

       The punishments inflicted were 21 fines and 17 imprison-

Amount of fines realised.

       Out of Rs. 84-4-0 levied, the amount realised was Rs. 60-4-0.

       9. Arrangements for examination and treatment.—There has been no change
under this heading for the last two years. The surgeon's examinations are supple-
mented by daily examinations by the native dhai.

       10. Women's admissions.—The number of admissions among the women for
the year was 160. The corresponding number for 1876 was 154. When the large
number of fresh additions to the register—67—is taken into account, it will be seen
that the ratio of disease is a little less than last year.

Table of admissions
among the women.

       Out of 160 admissions—

Primary syphilis gave ... ... ... ... ... 79
Secondary ... ... ... ... ... 2
Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... 53
Ulcer of os ... ... ... ... ... 13
Condyloma ... ... ... ... ... 6
Bubo ... ... ... ... ... 3
Leucorrhœa ,, ... ... ... ... ... 4
  Total ... 160

Want of corelation of dis-
ease among men and women.

       Thus it is seen on reference that primary syphilis has for years given the
largest number of admissions among the women, whereas
among the men gonorrhœa is the more frequent.

Small amount of secon-
dary disease

       Secondary disease among women and men is almost absent, being only two
cases among the former and one among the latter. The dis-
ease is therefore mild in character.

       11. Dhais.—A detective dhai is employed; she is chiefly useful in detecting
disease among the registered women. Owing to being threatened by men attached
to prostitutes, she seldom makes a report of new prostitutes, but is useful in examining
and treatment of disease.