
Annual Statement No. I. of the Lock-Hospital at Allahabad for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Local Government or
Date on which lock-
hospital was es-
Act under which
the rules are
in force.
Area over which the
rules are in force.
Estimated native
within this
Detail of monthly pay of establishment. Whether a first
or second class hospital.
North-Western Provinces. 2nd September, 1866. Act XXII., 1864. Four miles each side
beyond the actual
cantonment boun-
141,687.       Rs. a. p. 1st class.  
Medical officer     100 0 0
Native doctor     20 0 0
Dhai     10 0 0
Cook     5 0 0
Chaukidar     5 0 0
Bhisti     5 0 0
Mehtrani     5 0 0
Total monthly cost of establish-
150 0 0

Annual Statement No. II. of the Lock-Hospital at Allahabad for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.   6. 7.
Number of registered
Average number
of prostitutes on
the register in
each month and
for the year
Average number
prostitutes at-
tending the peri-
odical examina-
Number report-
ed to canton
ment magis-
trate or other
civil authori-
ty for non-at-
Number of pros-
titutes found
diseased at the
periodical ex-
amination and
detained for treatment.
  RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number of
prostitutes in hos-
pital for each
month and the
year 1877.
  Diseases Remaining. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on
register at the end
of last year, 1876
129 January 129.25 January 91.50 January 54 January 34   Primary syphilis, soft
chancre (vulva)
              January 18.42
February 130.50 February 91.15 February 58 February 35 43 A. 55 9 137 146 143 ... 3 146 February 18.39
43 A. 55
March 132.20 March 85 40 March 79 March 55 Primary fouschille (vulva) ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 March 24.61
Number added to the register during the year 1877
43 B. 10 Secondary syphilis (nose) ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1
64 April 136.25 April 90.25 April 71 April 30 April 23.53
43 B. 14 ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1
Do. symp. (glands)
43 B. 55 Do. syphilis (vulva) ... 4 4 4 ... ... 4
May 137.0 May 89 60 May 123 May 32 May ... 18.16
43 B. 66 Do. do. (skin) ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1
Total 193 June 135.0 June 95.50 June 68 June 38 585b June 18.40
Gonorrhœa (vaginal) 1 17 18 17 ... 1 18
188 195 187 ... 8 195
585b 7
Do. (uterine)
July 136.75 July 95.0 July 78 July 33 July 18.0
Condyloma ... 2 2 2 ... ... 2
Number who removed their names from the register, died, or absconded during   August 134.40 August 91.40 August 79 August 39 August 21.45
654 Catarrh (leucorrhooa) ... 47 47 37 ... 10 47
Inflammation of uterus
September 120.50 September 61.50 September 24 September 69 655 ... 9 9 9 ... ... 9 September 40.93
Abrasion (labia) ... 26 26 24 ... 2 26
October 124.0 October 90.0 October 1 October 30 October 30.0
657 Do. cervix (uterine) ... 7 7 7 ... ... 7
the year 1877 ...
Number remaining on 31st December, 1877.
657 ... 11 11 11 ... ... 11
Do. os (uterus)
November 120.40 November 93.60 November 19 November 38 November 18.67
658 Ulcer do. do. 2 6 8 8 ... ... 8
120 December 120.50 December 85.50 December 38 December 35 December 20.58
680 Inflammation (labia) ... 10 10 9 ... 1 10
Total 193 Average for the year. 129.73 Average for the year. 88.37 Total for the year. 692 Total for the year. 468   Total 19 468 487 461 ... 26 487 Average for the year. 22.59