( 30 )

B.—Statement showing the localities where venereal diseases are said to have been
contracted by the European troops stationed at. Meerut during the year


Where diseases are alleged have been contracted. Royal Artillery. 15th Hussars. 2-60th Rifles. Grand Total.
Syphilis primary. Gonorrhœa. Secondary affections. Total. Syphilis primary. Gonorrhœa. Secondary affections. Total. Syphilis primary. Gonorrhœa. Secondary affections. Total. Syphilis primary. Gonorrhœa. Secondary affections. Total.
Sudder bazár ... 2 ... 2 3 7 ... 10 2 2 ... 4 5 11 ... 16
European infantry bazár 10 18 ... 28 ... 1 ... 1 6 15 ... 21 16 34 ... 50
Hussars bazár ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1
Artillery bazár 8 12 ... 20 ... ... ... ... 1 6 ... 7 9 18 ... 27
Plain near barracks ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1
Public roads ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 4 ... 5 1 4 ... 3
Localities not known 2 2 ... 4 1 6 ... 7 1 1 ... 2 4 9 ... 15
Jungle ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1
Old cases, relapse 1 1 ... 2 ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... 1 2 ... 3
Secondary affections ... ... 6 6 ... ... 2 2 ... ... 1 1 ... ... 9 9
Total 21 36 6 63 5 15 2 22 11 29 1 41 37 80 9 126
OTHER PLACES.                                
Line of march 1 8 ... 9 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 8 ... 9
Contracted at Delhi 10 6 ... 16 3 2 ... 5 2 4 ... 6 15 12 ... 27
,,   at Deolali 1 1 ... 2 ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 2 1 ... 3
,,   at Begamabad ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... 1 ... 1
,,   at Agra ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1
,,   at Umballa ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... 1
,,   in jungle ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ... ... 1 1 ... ... 1
Old cases, relapse 3 4 ... 7 ... 1 ... 1 2 8 ... 10 5 13 ... 18
Secondary affections ... ... 15 15 ... ... 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 17
Total 15 19 15 49 3 5 2 10 6 13 ... 19 24 37 17 78
Grand Total 36 55 21 112 8 20 4 32 17 42 1 60 61 117 26 204

         These 114 cases give a ratio per cent. of garrison mean strength of European
soldiers equal to 8.04 admissions for primary venereal disease.

         There were 43 cases of primary diseases treated in this garrison, but contracted
elsewhere; there were 18 cases of "relapse" and 17 secondary affections, making a
grand total of 78 cases debitable to other localities.

         It is worthy of notice, as shown in form A, that among the Royal Artillery the
percentage of admissions on account of primary venereal diseases contracted at Meerut,
numbering 20 cases of primary syphilis and 35 of gonorrhœa, was 10.63, while
among the 15th Hussars there were only 5 cases of primary syphilis and 15 of
gonorrhœa, giving a percentage of 5.38, or almost just half that of the Royal Artillery ;
and among the 60th Royal Rifles there were 10 cases of primary syphilis and 29 of
gonorrhœa, equal to a percentage of 7.37 of strength of the corps.

         I am entirely unable to account for the large number of admissions among the
Royal Artillery as compared with the other corps, but the point seems to deserve

Whether a cantonment sub-committee for exercising special supervision
over the rules has existed throughout the year, and what officers composed it.

         4. There has been a cantonment sub-committee during the year composed of
the district magis
trate, the cantonment
magistrate, and the civil surgeon.

What special measures have been taken for the control of prostitution,
and specially for preventing the danger arising from unlicensed prostitutes
frequenting the lines ?

         5. Nothing new
has been instituted
under this head as far as my information goes.

How far the registration has been efficient, to what class it extends, and
over what area. Any increase or decrease in the numbers as compared with
previous years should be explained.

         6. The remarks
I made last year under
this head seem to me still applicable. I wrote as follows :—

         " As stated in former reports, I am still of opinion that the registration in canton-
ments is very incomplete ; it includes all classes who practise public prostitution, and
no distinction is made as to whether European soldiers frequent them or not, but
doubtless a large number escape the notice of the police.