( 31 )

       "The city registration is merely nominal, and there I understand a distinction is
made between public women frequented by European soldiers and those not so fre-
quented, and only the former class is registered.

       "As I have often pointed out, it would be unreasonable to expect satisfactory
results when the city women are unregistered, as from its proximity to the bazárs it
is easy for the women to visit the bazárs, or for the men to go to the city; and as one
aspect of this question between the parties, and the chief one, is of a commercial
nature, the rules regarding supply and demand will be found to hold good."

       The area of registration embraces the city and all villages within four miles of
cantonment boundaries, and thus extends to a population of some 130,000 people.

       On 1st January there were 86 women on the register, and on 31st December last 85.

       The average registered strength for the year 1877 was 84.10, including the city
registered women, and for 1876 it was 92.71. There was therefore no increase dur-
ing 1877.

       Those registered in the city gave a monthly mean strength of 16.58, and in the
cantonments of 67.52—total, as above, 84.10.

       In 1871 the number on the register was 101; in 1872, 99; in 1873, 94; in 1874,
87; in 1875, 84; in 1876,92; and 84 last year.

   Whether registration fees have been levied, and at what rate.

       7. No fees have
been levied.

   Whether the women have been regular at the periodical examinations;
any remarks on the cause of irregularity, the number of individual women
reported for non-attendance, the fines or other punishment awarded,
and the amount realized.

       8. The attendance at the inspections has been fairly good. In cantonments 26
cases of absence were
reported during the year,
all of whom were fined
by the cantonment magistrate I understand, Among those on the city register six
were absent.

   The arrangements for examining and treating the
women of the city and cantonment.

       9. Both the city and cantonment women are examined and treated in the same
hospital. The hospital is in a central
position for the city and cantonments,
being situated between them.

   How far disease has increased or decreased among the women; to what ex-
tent it has become less virulent; its nature as compared with that among the
men. Is there any relation between the two.? How far the admissions
among the women are due to non-venereal affections or to detention of women
during their monthly illness.

       10. The points here noted and others are shown in statement C. given below.
There was a great
decrease of admis-
sions into the lock-
hospital last year.
In 1876 the total number of female cases admitted was 139, and the number of
patients 75.

       C.—Comparative statement showing increase or decrease of admissions among registered
prostitutes, their duration in hospital, the cost of diet, and mean total cost of each for
the last seven years.

Year. Mean number on regi-
Percentage of admissions
to strength.
Mean daily sick. Average number of days
under treatment.
Total cost of diet. Mean daily cost of diet
per patient.
Total expenditure from
all causes.
Amount realized from
fees, fines, amp;c.
Mean cost of each regis-
tered prostitute from
all causes during the year.
Cases Patients
Syphilis. Gonorrhœa. Total. Syphilis. Gonorrhœa. Total.
                      Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
1871 101.68 40 39 79 28 24 52 77.69 10.59 48.93 501 2 2 0 2 1 2,573 7 0 not known 25 4 10
1872 99.42 24 32 56 14 27 41 56.33 6.40 41.82 293 2 1 0 2 0 2.324 5 5 23 6 1
1873 94.03 19 60 79 12 49 61 84.01 13.94 64.40 498 1 2 0 1 6 2,981 11 9 85 8 0 31 11 3
1874 87.26 27 49 76 18 35 53 87.09 12.20 59.62 418 5 4 0 1 6 2,520 8 3 195 8 0 26 10 3
1875 84.53 25 45 70 20 28 48 82.81 11.29 38.56 376 3 5 0 1 7 2,490 8 11 110 8 0 28 2 6
1876 92.74 37 102 139 30 45 75 149.93 11.27 29.54 349 9 1 0 1 4 2,466 7 4 63 12 0 25 11 6
1877 84.10 25 54 79 19 32 51 93.93 12.31 56.01 322 11 9 0 1 2 2,379 3 4 98 8 0 27 1 11