( 32 )

       Last year the female admissions were 79, or little more than half the number of
1876; and the patients were 51, instead of 75 in the previous year.

       In 1876 the female syphilitic admissions were 37 and the gonorrhœal 102, or
nearly as 1 to 3, while last year they were respectively 25 and 54, or nearly as 1
to 2.

       The average number of days in hospital was in 1876 29.57 for each case, and
last year 56.01, from which it would appear that the female diseases treated were more
virulent than formerly.

       The ratio of syphilis to gonorrhœa among the soldiers stood almost as 1 to 2,
or rather more, there being 35 cases of syphilis and 79 of gonorrhœa admitted at
Meerut among the European soldiers.

       From this it follows that the amount of female and male disease bears a close rela-
tion, as among the women there were about two cases of gonorrhœa for every one of
syphilis, and so among the men.

       No women are admitted into hospital except on account of venereal disease.

   How far dhais have been employed, and with what

       11. One dhai is employed in hospital to aid the hospital assistant in dressing the
patients, but she is not sent out to inspect
the women in their own houses. Such
a practice would be attended with no benefit in my opinion.

   Any information on other matters, or suggestions for the
improvement of the rules.

       12. None.

       The other points noted in resolution of Government No. 23/433. A., dated Simla, 28th
October, 1875, and not remarked on by me, will be noticed by the cantonment magis-
trate, who alone possesses the information therein called for.

No. I.—Annual Statement of the Lock-Hospital at Meerut for the year 1877.

Local Government of Ad-
Date on which Lock-hospi-
tal was established.
Act under which the rules
are in force.
Area over which the rules
are in force.
Estimated native popula-
tion within this area.
Rate of monthly pay of establishment. Wheather a first or second
class hospital.
Government of the North-Western provinces. March, 1867. Act No. XXII. of 1864. Four miles from cantonment bourdaries. 130,000   Rs. 1st class. *Present incumbent draws Rs.20.
Medical officer 100
Hospital assistant *20
Matron 15
Bhisti 5
Cook 5
Chaukidar 4
Chaprasi 4
Sweepers 2, male and female 8
Total monthly cost of establishment, 161

Meerut, the 1st January,1878.

W. MOIR, M.B., A.M.,   
Medical Officer.