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Form V.—Annual Financial Return of the Lock-Hospital at Benares from 1st January
to 31st December, 1877.

1. 2. 3.
Months. Pay of two dhais. Fines not realized. Receipts. Expended.
Amount realized by
fines levied under
the rules.
Pay of medical officer. Pay of establishment. All other expenses
Total expenses.
... ... No dhais. Rs. Rs. a. p. Rs. Rs. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.
January ... ... 2 0 0 100 48 97 4 2 245 4 2
February ... ... 8 0 0 100 48 43 8 8 191 8 8
March ... 1 7 0 0 100 48 91 4 6 239 4 6
April ... ... ... 100 48 74 10 11 222 10 11
May ... ... ... 100 48 41 6 7 192 6 7
June ... ... 0 8 0 100 48 69 10 10 217 10 10
July ... ... ... 100 48 37 9 7 185 9 7
August ... ... 1 0 0 100 48 93 16 7 241 16 7
September ... ... ... 100 48 40 10 8 188 10 8
October ... ... 1 0 0 100 48 33 9 8 181 9 8
November ... ... 1 0 0 100 48 66 4 2 214 4 2
December ... ... ... 100 48 55 10 10 203 10 10
Total ... 1 20 8 0 1,200 576 748 10 2 2,524 10 2

In charge of Lock-Hospital.

Benares, the.1st January, 1878.



       1. The building used as the lock-hospital is situated in the city and affords ample
accommodation. The situation, as far as being in the city, is inconvenient and difficult
of strict supervision; it should be placed near cantonments and out of the city, and the
building isolated.

       2. There has been no change in the medical charge. Surgeon-Major T. Barne-
wall has been in charge during the year.

       3. The weekly returns have been regularly received and forwarded to each
member of the sub-committee for information. The total number of admissions for
venereal diseases into lock and European hospitals are laid before the committee
which assembles monthly, and a copy of the remarks made by the committee is for-
warded with the returns to the brigadier-general commanding the district for his information.

       The total number of admissions among :the European troops for the twelve months
was 25:—

Syphilis primary ... ... ... 10
Gonorrhœa ... ... ... 14
Secondary syphilis. ... ... ... 1
... ... Total ... 25
And stricture ... ... ... 4

Out of this number 4 of the disease were contracted out of the station. The secondary
case was doubtful, inasmuch as the man had suffered from primary disease before his
arrival in India.