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         The strictures were old cases of some standing, showing for the year, as compared
with the previous, no increase or decrease for all forms of venereal disease, but show a
decrease of three in the secondary form, which in my opinion shows good results, as
secondary disease is by far the more serious result of syphilitic disease.

Statement showing the extent of various forms of venereal diseases among the European
troops in the
cantonment of Moradabad during the year 1877.

Regiment. Period of occupa-
Average strength
during the period
of occupation.
Number of admissions from venereal disease
during the period of occupation.
Ratio of admissions per
1,000 of strength for
period of occupation.
Detachment 1-18th R. I.
From 1st January to
31st December, 1877.
218 Primary syphilis ... 10 45.87
Gonorrhœa ... 14 64.22
Phymosis ... ... ...
Stricture ... 4 18.34
Warts ... ... ...
Orchitis, gonorrhœal ... ... ...
Secondary syphilis ... 1 4.58
Total ... 29  
Cases contracted at other places ... 4
Balance number of cases contracted at
... 25

        4. The cantonment sub-committee existed throughout the year, assembling
every month, composed of the following, officers :—

Officer commanding the station       President.
Collector and magistrate:        
Officer commanding European troops.   Members.
Civil surgeon and officer in medical charge of. European troops.  

        5. There are no special: measures taken for the control of prostitution, with the
exception, i.e., if a woman is reported and found practising prostitution unlicensed, she
is summoned before a magistrate and compelled to register herself under the lock-
hospital rules and appear on examination days.

        These cases are few, and generally break down in the evidence and the case

        To control prostitution in the native city is I doubt possible, yet much could be
done by proper police surveillance. This was opposed by the authorities that it would
be unwise to give any power to the police in this particular duty, for which there
appear ample reasons. But such duty might with advantage be undertaken by the
police' inspectors, who have every means of investigating and punishing breaches of the
lock-hospital rules.

        The military police are charged with the surveillance of the lines and cantonments.

        6. *The Registry Act extends over the city of Moradabad and military canton-
ments, with power to extend the same to villages in the vicinity where found necessary.

        There are two classes of prostitutes, 1st and 2nd class ; these women are generally
of the lowest class. Among the 1st class there are four or five natch women ; they are
principally of the Muhammadan caste, a few only are Hindus.

        For the year 1876 there were 51 names on the register, for the present year
56.91, showing an increase of nearly six. Out of the number registered, there attend-
ed on examination days an average of 36.79, and showing absent 2.58, which is
accounted for as absent on leave.