( 42 )

      The registration of these women has done, I think, some good on the whole, if it only
opens their ideas to the good effect of cleanliness and avoidance of disease as far as cir-
cumstances admit, the necessity of attending examinations, and the fact, if found diseased,
of detention in hospital until well ; this latter fact I am sure has a powerful effect on them.

      7. No fines are levied.

Number absent
Fines realized.

      8. The women have, as a rule, been regular in attendance.
See annexed returns from officiating magistrate.

      9. Examination days are on the 1st and 15th or 16th of each month.

      The hospital affords ample accommodation for six beds and the necessary arrange-
ments for examining the women.

      10. The total number of admissions for all forms of disease was 15 during the
twelve months:—

Primary syphilis ... 10
Gonorrhœa ... 5
Total ... 15

      For the year 1876 there were only eleven, showing an increase of four ; some of
these were women found unlicensed and diseased, which account for the increase in a
measure. There is no doubt as to the character of disease contracted from unlicensed
prostitutes as being of the worst form, as shown by two cases at present under treat-
ment in the European hospital. All the cases that have come under my observation
that were contracted from the licensed women were decidedly of a mild form (the
simple sore with suppuration of the inguinal gland).

      From the cases admitted into both hospitals I am inclined to look upon the
disease as decidedly modified.

      No cases, except venereal disease, are admitted for treatment into the lock-hospital.

      11. The dhai employed is a very useful woman and understands her duties
fairly well. She has, in addition to her hospital duties, to inspect weekly all the
houses of the prostitutes and report as to their cleanliness, &c.

      12. The only suggestion that I could offer is the supervision for the carrying
out of the rules as regards unlicensed prostitutes. This should be placed under the
charge of the deputy inspector of city police, and that the fines levied from prostitutes
should be placed at the disposal of the medical officer in charge of the lock-hospital,
to relieve those women who may be in need of food and clothing. The following are
the regiments and detachments that have passed through the station during the year
1877 :—

      (1) Time-expired men en route to Deolali. Strength 115. No cases of venereal
coming in or going out.

      (2) Details married families en route to Ranikhet. Strength—men 65, women 62,
children 125. None sick.

      (3) 73rd Regiment en route to Lucknow. Strength 703. Coming in, syphilitic
diseases 6 ; going out, 7.

      (4) Detachment 1-14th Regiment from Englanden route to Ránikhet. Strength
50. Coming in, 1 case of gonorrhœa contracted at Allahabad ; going out, 1.

In medical charge Det. 1-18th Regt., and Supdt., Lock-Hospital.