( 44 )

Annual Statement No. III. of the Lock-Hospital at Moradabad for the year 1877.

1 2 3 4
Months. Receipts. Expenditure. How paid.
fees from
Fines leived
under the
Total re-
Pay of medi-
cal officer.
Pay of estab-lishment. All other ex-
Total expen-
By Govern-
From can-
Other sour-
        Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p Rs. a. p. Rs. a p. Rs. a. p.    
January ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 14 1 9 93 1 9 93 1 9 ... ...
February ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 12 5 0 91 5 0 91 5 0 ... ...
March ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 13 13 9 92 13 9 92 13 9 ... ...
April ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 12 0 6 91 0 6 91 0 6 ... ...
May ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 15 8 9 94 8 9 94 8 9 ... ...
June ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 13 15 6 92 15 6 92 15 6 ... ...
July ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 13 3 4 92 3 4 92 3 4 ... ...
August ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 13 4 4 92 4 4 92 4 4 ... ...
September ... ... ... 50 0 0 39 0 0 11 2 9 100 3 9 100 3 9 ... ...
October ... ... ... 50 0 0 39 0 0 13 14 2 102 14 2 102 14 2 ... ...
November ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 11 0 4 90 0 4 90 0 4 ... ...
December ... ... ... 50 0 0 29 0 0 14 3 4 93 3 4 93 3 4 ... ...
Total ... ... ... 600 0 0 368 0 0 158 10 6 1,126 10 6 1,126 10 3 ... ...

Statement showing the admissions from venereal affections among the European troops
in the cantonment of Moradabad during the year 1877.

Regiment. Strength. Venereal diseases. Remained last
Admitted this
Total. Discharged,
Remaining. Remarks as to where the disease has been
Detachment 1-18th R. I. Regiment. 218 Syphilis primary ... 10 10 5 5 One case contracted at Bareilly and one
outside cantonments, remaining 8 cases
contracted at Moradabad.
Gonorrhœa ... 14 14 14 ... Two cases contracted en route from Bareilly
to Moradabad, remaining 12 cases con-
tracted at Moradabad.
Phymosis ... ... ... ... ... At Moradabad.
Stricture ... 4 4 4 ...
Warta ... ... ... ... ...  
Orchitis gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ...    Ditto.
Secondary syphilis ... 1 1 1 ...
Total ... 29 29 24 5  
Grand Total ... ... ... ... ...  

In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.

Moradabad, 1st January, 1878.

List of prostitutes prosecuted, punished, and discharged for plying their trade without
license during the year 1877.

Date of report. Names of prostitutes. Amount of fine imposed. Remarks.
    Rs. a. p.  
April 30th, 1877 Musammát Zahuran 12 0 0 Amount realized.
May 3rd Dhania 1 0 0
    ,,      ,,        ,, Dudhia 1 0 0
    ,,      ,,        ,, Sukhia ... Acquitted and discharged.
    ,,      ,,        ,, Choti ...
    ,,      ,,        ,, Surgia ...
    ,,      ,,        ,, Bhagia ...

R. J. LEEDS,                      
Officiating Magistrate.