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List of prostitutes prosecuted, punished, and discharged for non-attendance at the lock-
hospital on examination days during the year

Date of report. Names of prostitutes. Amount of
fines im-
    Rs. a. p.  
February l4th, 1877, Musammát Piari 2 0 0 Amount realized.
     „         „       „      „          Nanki 2 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Bali 2 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Gungea 2 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Basanti 2 0 0
March 22nd,    „      „          Gobinde 5 0 0  
     „         „       „      „          Lachmi 5 0 0 Ditto ditto.
     „         „       „      „          Hira 3 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Janki 3 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Nunhi Jan 1 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Mumtaz 3 0 0
     „         „       „      „          Umda ... Acquitted and discharged.
     „          Hosaini
     „         „       „ ...
May 1st,          „      „          Nasiban 5 0 0 Amount realized.
     „ 2nd          „      „          Peari 2 0 0
     „          Chunni
     „         „       „ ... Discharged.
     „         „       „      „          Hira ...
     „ 12th         „      „          Jumia 3 0 0 Realized.
July 27th,         „      „          Janki ... Sentenced to one month's
simple imprisonment
     „         „       „      „          Budho ...
August 13th,    „      „          Chunia ... Ditto 15 days' ditto.
Dec. 9th,         „      „          Mindia ... Acquitted and discharged.
     „ 10th,        „      „          Dullia  
       „          Zabun 5 0 0 Amount realized.

R. J. LEEDS,            
Offy. Magistrate.


No. 27, dated Ránikhet, the 1st January, 1878.

From—CAPTAIN A. C. TOKER, Cantonment Magistrate, Ránikhet,

To—The Senior Assistant Commissioner, Kumaun.

              SIR,—I have the honour to forward for submission to the local Government
the annual lock-hospital report and returns for the year 1877, which have been duly laid
before the cantonment committee, and I am directed to say that the committee have
no further remarks to add to the report, except that the increase of venereal disease
amongst the men of the 2-22nd Regiment at Chaubattia was chiefly due to the fact
that many of the wives of the camp followers of that regiment were found to be diseased,
and being suspected of intercourse with the soldiers were removed from the canton-


       1. A new ward was added to the old existing lock–hospital and the whole build-
ing was roofed with iron during the year.

       2. There was no change in the medical charge of the hospital.

       3. Returns are herewith sent showing the amount of venereal disease among the
troops at this station for 1877. It will be seen it was greatly in excess of last year.

       The 14th Regiment, coming from Benares and Sitapur, suffered perhaps less than
they did at those stations in 1876.

       The 22nd Regiment, which last year showed a total of 15 cases of venereal disease,
had this year 133 cases. Very little of this disease was caught from registered women.
Very special care was taken to allow no woman to remain in the chaklas who had the
faintest sign of even leucorrhœa (probably powerless to cause disease, though this might
be). The sores that occurred during the year among the women were of the most