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No. 2.

Abstract of annual return of venereal diseases amongst the men of Her Majesty's 2nd Battalion, 22nd Regiment, stationed at Ránikhet, from 1st January to 31st
December, 1877.

Average strength for
the year.
Number of cases of
venereal diseases
for the year.
Number of men ad-
mitted for venereal
diseases for the year.
Proportion of cases
to strength per 1,000.
Proportion of men
admitted to
strength per 1,000.
Average number of
cases remaining at
the end of each week.
Proportion of cases
remaining at the
end of each week.
378 133 107 351.8 283.0 2.5 6.6

No. 3.

Abstract of venereal diseases amongst the men of Her Majesty's 2nd Battalion, 22nd Regiment, showing where the disease was contracted, for the year 1877.

Diseases. Probably contracted at Total admissions. Ratio per 1,000 of
diseases contracted
at Ránikhet.
Ránikhet. On march from plains.
Primary syphilis 50 ... 50 132.2  
Secondary do. 26 ... 26 68.7
Gonorrhœa 52 ... 52 137.5
Balauitis 3 ... 3 7.9
Epididynitis 2 ... 2 5.2
Phymosis ... ... ... ...
Stricture of urethra ... ... ... ...
Gleet ... ... ... ...
Total 133 ... 133 351.5

Ránikhet, 1st January 1878.

In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.