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No. 28, dated the 11th February, 1878.

      From -E. COLVIN, ESQ., Officiating Commissioner, Meerut Division,

      To—The Secy. to Govt., N.-W. Provinces and Oudh.

        SIR, —I have the honour to submit for the information of Government docket
No. 19, dated the 1st instant, from the magistrate of Saháranpur, giving cover to the
annual report and the prescribed accompaniments relating to the management of the
Roorkee lock-hospital for. 1877.

      2. The working of the institution appears to have been satisfactory on the whole.

      3. The average strength of the garrison was 333 in 1876, against 456.65 in
1877 ; the admissions were in 1876, 50; 1877, 30, of which 6 cases were contracted
out of Roorkee.

      4. I beg to point out that here, as in most cases, disease, so far as regular pros-
titutes are concerned, has been fairly grappled with; but the main difficulty of women
who occasionally prostitute themselves has not been met.

Docket No. 19, dated 1st February, 1878.

      From—J. SLADEN, ESQ., Magistrate, Saháranpur,

      To—The Commissioner, Meerut Division.


        BEGS to submit the above received with cantonment magistrate's No. 33 of
29th instant.

No. 33, dated Roorkee, the 29th January, 1878.

      From—CAPTAIN D. CHATTERTON, Secretary, Cantonment Committee, Roorkee,

      To—The Magistrate of Saháranpur.

        SIR,—I am instructed by the cantonment committee to forward the report
of the medical officer in charge of the lock-hospital at Roorkee for 1877, with the
prescribed returns.

      2. As in former years venereal disease has been confined to the British infantry;
the Royal Engineers and college students having enjoyed perfect immunity.

      3. The inference is that the men of small means prefer the cheap or unregistered
women—coolies and grass and milk sellers—to be met with on the canal banks, to the
more expensive bazár residents.

      4. Disease has been slight during the year, and the committee consider the
report altogether satisfactory.

No. 2, dated Roorkee, the 25th January, 1878.

      From—R. BLOOD, ESQ., M. D., SURG., A. M.D., in medical charge Lock-Hospital, Roorkee,

      To—The Cantonment Magistrate, Roorkee.

      SIR,—I have the honour to submit herewith my annual report of the lock-
hospital at Roorkee,* and I regret that ill-health has prevented
me from presenting it at an earlier date.


      1. The lock-hospital is a kutcha building conveniently situated on the northern
outskirts of the native town of Roorkee ; it is provided with four native charpoys,
a table, and chairs for examinations, and such instruments and medicines as are
required. The accommodation has hitherto been found sufficient.

      2. Surgeon-Major Eteson, Bengal Medical Department, held the medical
charge from 1st January to 28th March, 1877, when he made it over to Surgeon
R Blood, M.D., Army Medical Department, who continues to hold it.

      * For the year 1877.