( 58 )

      4. One hundred and seventy-nine prostitutes were found to be diseased, as against
245 in 1876; 26 of the cases were of primary syphilis. The average number detained
in the hospital for treatment was 8.66, as against 12.93 in 1876.

      5. The daily average strength of the European troops stationed in the district
was 423, as compared with 483 of the previous year.

      6. The number of men admitted into hospital for venereal disease contracted at
Sháhjahánpur was 129, or 304.97 per mille. The number of admissions in the pre-
vious year was 108, or 223.6 per mille. Out of the 129 cases as above, 40 were of
primary syphilis, 33 of secondary, and 56 of gonorrhœa.

      7. There was therefore an increase in the total number of admissions for vene-
real disease; but as the increase was entirely in secondary syphilis and gonorrhœa,
and the number of cases of primary syphilis fell from 59 in 1876 to 40 in the year
under report, the result, as pointed out by Dr. Gardner, is really satisfactory.

FOR 1877.

      1. During the whole year a half-battalion of Her Majesty's 2-22nd Regiment
of Foot was stationed at Sháhjahánpur, of daily average strength 423, from whom 129
cases of venereal disease were admitted to hospital, viz.:—

Primary syphilis 40
Secondary do 33
Gonorrhœa 56
Total 129

all being credited as contracted at Sháhjahánpur.

      This gives a ratio of 304.97, which appears much larger than during last year,
but is really very satisfactory because the increase is entirely among secondary syphi-
lis and gonorrhœa, which are beyond control of lock-hospital surveillance, or attribu-
table to the disease of former years.

      The number of admissions for primary syphilis has fallen from 59 in 1876 to 40
in 1877, and of this number the majority was contracted in the early months of the
year, the later months showing a great improvement. Of these 40 admissions no less
than 31 were during the first four months.

      2. The following statement shows distinctly in tabular form the monthly admis-
sions :—

Months . Primary
Gonorrhœa. Total.
January 7 1 2 10
February 11 1 9 21
March 7 8 11 26
April 6 5 5 16
May ... 7 1 8
June 1 3 1 5
July ... 2 2 4
August 3 1 6 10
September 3 2 4 9
October 1 1 7 9
November ... 2 4 6
December 1 ... 4 5
Total. 40 33 56 129

      3. Seventeen prostitutes were enrolled, and 13 removed their names from the

      4. It was found necessary to report from time to time 27 for non-attendance, and
suitable punishments were awarded, the total amount of fines amounting to Rs. 40.