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No. II-Annual Statement of the Lock-hospital at Sháhjahánpur for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Number of registered prostitutes. Average number of
prostitutes on the
register in each
month and for the
Average number of
prostitutes at-
tending the peri-
odical examina
Number reported
to cantonment
magistrate or
other civil au-
thority for non-
Number of pros-
titutes found
diseased at the
periodical ex-
aminations and
detained for
RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number of
prostitutes in
hospital for each
month and the
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on the register at
the end of last year
  January 34.0 January 34.0 January ... January 27 Primary syphilis 3 26 29 28 ... 1 29 January 17.13
34 February 34.50 February 34.50 February ... February 18 Secondary do. ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 February 18.11
Number added to the register during
the year 1877
  March 36.0 March 33.0 March 3 March 21 Gonorrhœa ... 30 30 28 ... 2 30 March 16.52
17 April 34.0 April 30.0 April 4 April 23 Ulceration of os uteri 2 43 45 45 ... ... 45 April 14.92
    May 33.0 May 29.0 May 4 May 15 Vegenitis ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 May 7.26
Total 51 June 32.0 June 30.0 June 2 June 11 Abrasion of the (cervix of the) uterus ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 June 5.23
    July 31.50 July 29 50 July 2 July 14 July 4.61
Number who removed their names
from the register, died, or abscond-
ed during the year 1877
  August 33.0 August 31.0 August 2 August 10 Leucorrhœa 4 32 36 36 ... ... 36 August 3.52
  September 34.75 September 34.0 September 1 September 13 Under observation ... 45 45 45 ... ... 45 September 5.57
13 October 36.25 October 36.0 October 1 October 13                 October 4.13
Number remaining on the 31st De-
cember, 1877
  November 37.75 November 34.75 November 3 November 10                 November, 4.23
38 December 37.75 December 32.75 December 5 December 4                 December, 2.71
Total 51 Average for the year. 34.54 Average for the year. 32.37 Total 179 Total 179 Total 9 179 188 185 ... 3 188 Average for the year. 8.66

No. III.—Annual Statement of the Lock-hospital at Sháhjahánpur for the year 1877.

1. 2, 3. 4.
  Receipts. Expenditure. How paid.
Months. Registration fees
from pros-
Fines levied
under the rules,
Pay of medi-
cal officer.
Pay of
All other ex-
From canton-
meat funds.
Other sources. Total.
    Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.   Rs. a. p.   Rs. a. p.
January ... ... ... 50 0 0 64 0 0 30 9 3 144 9 3 ... 144 9 3 ... 144 9 3
February ... 1 0 0 1 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 29 1 11 143 1 11 ... 143 1 11 ... 143 1 11
March ... 9 0 0 9 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 31 6 9 145 6 9 ... 145 6 9 ... 145 6 9
April ... 4 0 0 4 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 25 5 10 139 5 10 ... 139 5 10 ... 139 5 10
May ... 5 0 0 5 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 28 13 4 142 13 4 ... 142 13 4 ... 142 13 4
June ... 12 0 0 12 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 10 2 11 124 2 11 ... 124 2 11 ... 124 2 11
July ... 1 0 0 1 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 10 15 1 124 15 1 ... 124 15 1 ... 124 15 1
August ... 0 8 0 0 8 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 8 9 0 122 9 0 ... 122 9 0 ... 122 9 0
September ... ... ... 50 0 0 64 0 0 17 7 9 131 7 9 ... 131 7 9 ... 131 7 9
October ... 4 0 0 4 0 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 12 6 8 126 6 8 ... 126 6 8 ... 126 6 8
November ... 1 12 0 1 12 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 12 5 9 126 5 9 ... 126 5 9 ... 126 5 9
December ... 1 12 0 1 12 0 50 0 0 64 0 0 9 5 11 123 5 11 ... 123 5 11 ... 123 5 11
Total ... 40 0 0 40 0 0 600 0 0 768 0 0 226 10 2 1,594 10 2 ... 1,594 10 2 ... 1,594 10 2

Sháhjahánpur, 6th January, 1878.

E. B. GARDNER, SURGEON-MAJOR,              

In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.