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No. 29, dated Chakráta, the 28th January, 1878.

From—LIEUT.-COL. G. WHEELER, Cantonment Magistrate, Chakráta,
To—The Superintendent of Dehra Dún.

  SIR,In forwarding the annual report and returns of the Chakráta lock-
hospital for the past year, I have the honour to submit the following observations.

  2. It will be seen that the report embraces a period of eleven months only, ending
30th November, 1877, in consequence of the departure of the British regiment on
the 1st of December, and the consequent closing of the lock-hospital, subject to the
sanction of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, which has since been obtained.

  3. With reference to para. 3 of the report, I solicit the consideration of Govern-
ment to the extension to a distance of four miles from the cantonment boundaries of the
provisions of the rules framed under clause 7, section 19, Act XXII. of 1864 (chapter
V., cantonment rules).

  4. With reference to para. 5 of the report, the remark of the medical officer
that " unlicensed prostitutes were also confined to the bazárs and punished if
detected" is unwarranted, as no such persons are recognized, and the rule is that if
women, not being professional prostitutes, are detected in criminal intercourse with
soldiers, they are either brought on the register or, on refusal to be registered,
directed to leave the cantonment.

  Dancing girls may be alluded to, but they only occasionally visit a cantonment,
and during their short stay are under strict supervision ; although, I believe, they are
known never to accept the attentions of soldiers.

Chakráta, the 1st December, 1877.

From—W. M. MITCHELL, ESQ., in medical charge of Lock-Hospital, Chakráta,
To—The Cantonment Magistrate and Secretary to the Cantt. Comttee., Chakráta.

  SIR,—I have the honour to submit the annual report of the lock-hospital at this
station for the year 1877, commencing from 1st January to 30th November, 1877,
the lock-hospital having broken up on the latter date owing to the departure of the
whole of the European troops from this station on account of the annual reliefs of
British troops.


  1. The locality of the lock-hospital is good and the accommodation is good ; it is
suitable and most conveniently placed in the centre of the sudder bazár.

  2. I have held charge of the lock-hospital throughout the eleven months of this
report. The total admissions from venereal disease among the British troops have
been as follows :—

Secondary syphilis. 1
Primary ditto 9
Gonorrhoea 66
Total 76

  3. The number of the above cases would have been less, but for several of the
men having contracted venereal while at the musketry camp, a distance of about
six miles from the station, from unregistered women loitering in its vicinity. Several
representations of this fact were made to the magistrate through the senior medical
officer at the station, who accordingly took the necessary measures for the apprehen-
sion of these parties.

  4. All the returns in connection with the lock-hospital have been received