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Docket No. 6, dated Agra, the 29th January, 1878.

   From—C. CURRIE, ESQ., Commissioner, Agra Division,

   To—Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces and Oudh.

         HAS the honour to submit the Muttra Lock-Hospital Report for 1877 and
prescribed statements received under Magistrate's No. 3 of the 3rd January.

      The working of the institution shows a decided improvement on the previous
year; admissions into the regimental hospital of cases of venereal disease having fallen
from 63 to 36.

No. 3, dated Muttra, the 3rd January, 1878.

   From—T. B. TRACY, ESQ., Magistrate of Muttra,

   To—Commissioner, Agra Division.

         SIR,—I have the honour to submit herewith the report of the officer in charge
of the Muttra lock-hospital for 1877.

      2. The regiment stationed at Muttra (10th Royal Hussars) marched for Rawal
Pindi on the 15th November. During the 10½ months of its stay there were only two
cases of syphilis and 34 of gonorrhœa, or in all 36 cases, against 63 in the previous
year. This speaks well for the working of the lock-hospital. With reference, however,
to the remark of the officer in charge, that "several cases have not been directly traced
to registered prostitutes," I would observe that the statement No. II. shows a state of
health among the registered women at the periodical inspections quite sufficient to
account for the disease which affected the troops, and that it appears to me to indicate
that the women might have been inspected more frequently with advantage.

      3. No women have been reported to me for breach of the rules, which seem to
have worked smoothly and well.


      1. No change in condition or constitution of hospital, which is suitable for the
purpose, and in good repair.

      2. No change.

      3. Thirty-four admissions for gonorrhœa and two for primary syphilis have
occurred in the regiment during the year. Of the former, several cases have not been
directly traced to registered prostitutes. Reports regularly received.

      4. None.

      5. Prostitutes known as such are prohibited access to the lines, but there is no
doubt that several of the cases of gonorrhœa have been due to concealed prostitution.

      6. Registration includes regimental and sudder bazár: 14 women were taken
on during the year, and there has been a loss from all causes of 18.

      7. None.

      8. Regular.

      9. Arrangements and attendance satisfactory.

      10. Daily average of women in hospital, 2.22.

   11. Satisfactory.

   12. None.

J. CAMERON,                        
Apothecary in charge.