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Annual Statement No. I of the Muttra Lock-Hospital for 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Local Govern-
meat or Ad-
Date on which
was opened.
Act under which
the rules are
in force.
Area over which
the rules are
in force.
Estimated na-
tive population
within the area.
Details of monthly pay of
Whether a first,
secondor third
class hospital.
Government of
the North-West-
ern Provinces.
1st september,
Act XIV of 1868. Regimental and sud-
der bazár (about
1 square mile).
6,000   Rs. 3rd class.  
Apothecary 20  
Matron 6  
Cook and bhisti 5  
Chaukidar 4  
Total 35  

Annual Statement No. II. of the Muttra Lock-Hospital for 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Record of diseases.
Number of registered
Average number of pros-
titutes on the register
in each month and for
the year.
Average number of pros-
titutes attending period-
ical examinations.
Number reported to can-
tonment magistrate or
other civil authority
for non-attendance.
Number of prostitutes
found diseased at each
periodical examination
and detained for treat-
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining.
Number remain-
ing on register
at end of last
22 January 21 21 None.   13 Leucorrhœa ... 4 4 4 ... ...
  February 24 24   7 Uterine ... 23 23 23 ... ...
  March 16 16   6 Gonorrhœa ... 25 25 25 ... ...
  April 17 17   10 Ulcer os uteri ... 5 5 5 ... ...
Number added to
register during
the year.
14 May 17 17   7 Inflam. of Vulva, ... 1 1 1 ... ...
  June 15 15   9 Observatio ... 7 7 7 ... ...
  July 15 15   8 Supl.ulc.os uteri, ... 1 1 1 ... ...
Total 36 August 19 19   8 Mennorrhag. ... 3 3 3 ... ...
September, 19 19   3 Chron. fiss. os
... 1 1 1 ... ...
Number who re-
moved their
names from the
register, died,
or absconded
during year.
18 October 18 18   7              
  November ... ...     Syphilis second-
... 1 1 1 ... ...
  December ... ...                  
Proceeded with
regiment, 15th
November, 1877
Number remain-
ing at end of
6           Total ... 71 71 71 ... ...

Annual Statement No. III. of the Muttra Lock-Hospital for 1877.

1. 2. 3 4. 5.
Months. Receipts. Expenditure. How paid. Remarks.
Registration fees
from prostitutes.
Fines levied under
Total receipts. Pay of medical offi-
Pay of establish-
All other expenses. Total expenses. By Goverment. From cantonment
Other sources. Total.
    Sale of old furniture, &C.
Rs.10. Rs. Rs. Rs. a. p.             Rs. a. p.
January   20 15 13 3 6 ... ... 35            
February   20 15 11 12 0 ... ... 35     Balance 31st December, 1876, 51 1 4
March   20 15 8 2 3 ... ... 45     Received during year 410 0 0
April   20 15 10 4 0 ... ... 45     Total 461 1 4
May   20 15 13 0 0 ... ... 45     Add realized by fines and sale
of old furniture, &c.
10 0 0
June   20 15 12 15 0 ... ... 45            
July   20 15 9 7 9 ... ... 45            
August   20 15 16 1 0 ... ... 45     Total 471 1 4
September,   20 15 5 2 0 ... ... 35     Expenditure 470 15 6
October   20 15 5 8 0 ... ... 35            
November   20 ... ... ... ...     Balance 0 1 10
December   ... ... ... ... ... ...            
Total ... ... ... 210 155½ 105 7 6 ... ... 410            

Senior Medical Officer, Muttra.

Apothecary in charge of Lock-Hospital.