( 72 )

Annual Statement .No. II. of the Lock-Hospital at Naini Tál for 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Number of registered
Average number of
prostitutes on the
register for each
month and for the
Average number of
prostitutes attend-
ing the periodical
Number reported to
cantonment ma-
gistrate for non-
Number of prosti-
tutes found dis-
eased at the period-
ical examination
and detained for
Record of diseases. Average number of
prostitutes in hos-
pital for each
month and for the
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on the
register at the end of
last year.
11 January 11.6 January 9.4 January ... January 3 Primary syphilis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... January 1.45
Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Leucorrhœa 3 3 6 6 ... ... ...
Number added to the regis-
ter during the year.
38 February 12.0 February 7.5 February 1 February 6 Primary syphilis ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1 February 2.28
Gonorrhœa ... 1 1 ... ... 1 1
Leucorrhœa ... 4 4 2 ... 2 2
Total 49 March 16.75 March 12.75 March ... March 8 Primary syphilis 1 2 3 1 ... 2 2 March 3.41
Gonorrhœa 1 1 2 1 ... 1 1
Leucorrhœa 2 5 7 4 ... 3 3
Number who removed their
names from the register,
died, or absconded dur-
ing the year.
33 April 24.25 April 17.75 April ... April 13 Primary syphilis 2 2 4 3 ... 1 1 April 7.16
Gonorrhœa 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ...
Leucorrhœa 3 11 14 6 ... 8 8
Number remaining on the
31st December, 1877.
16 May 29.0 May 19.2 May ... May 13 Primary syphilis 1 3 4 2 ... 2 2 May 8.57
Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Leucorrhœa 8 10 18 13 ... 5 5
    June 27.25 June 18.5 June 3 June 16 Primary syphilis 2 1 3 2 ... 1 1 June 7.4
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 5 16 20 13 ... 7 7
    July 28.4 July 15 8 July 4 July 14 Primary syphilis 1 3 4 2 ... 2 2 July 9.12
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 7 11 18 12 ... 6 6
    August 27.0 August 17 0 August 2 August 7 Primary syphilis 2 2 4 3 ... 1 1 August 7.48.
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 6 5 11 8 ... 3 3
    September 27.25 September 20.25 September 1 September 6 Primary syphilis 1 1 2 1 ... 1 1 September 4.7
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 3 5 8 5 ... 3 3
    October 28.0 October 20.0 October 9 October 7 Primary syphilis 1 2 3 2 ... 1 1 October 3.41
    Gonorrhœa ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 3 4 7 6 ... 1 1
    November 18.75 November 13.25 November 1 November 6 Primary syphilis 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 1 November 3.8
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 1 6 7 3 ... 4 4
    December 14.5 December 9.5 December 4 December ... Primary syphilis 1 ... 1 ... ... 1 1 December 1.38
    Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Leucorrhœa 4 ... 4 4 ... ... ...
Total 49 Average for
the year.
21.95 Average for
the year.
14.85 Total for the
25 Total for the
99 Total 60 99 159 101 ... 58 68 Average for the

Naini Tal, the 1st January, 1878.

Secy., Cant, Committee.

In medical charge of Lock-Hospital.