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Extract from the proceedings of the Jhánsi Cantonment Committee, assembled at the
   Cantonment Magistrate's Office at 11 A.M. on the 8th January, 1878, agreeably to
   station orders dated 5th January, 1878.

   2. The annual lock-hospital report for the year 1877 is read to the committee,
who consider it very satisfactory. Mr. Judd's report being ample and explicit, the
committee do not consider it necessary to add to it or to make any suggestions, and it
is ordered to be forwarded to the deputy commissioner in due course.

Cantonment Magistrate.


   1. THE lock-hospital at Jhánsi is situated about a mile from the European infan-
try lines, at the entrance to a small village outside the boundary pillars called New
Jhánsi. It is in close proximity to the civil dispensary and near the road leading to it;
it is in position, with regard to the cantonment, the most suitable which could be
selected, admitting of an amount of privacy, under efficient police supervision, which
could not well be procured elsewhere in the station ; the building has ample accommo-
dation for the number of patients likely to require it at any one time, and is supplied
with a sufficiency of medicines, surgical instruments, and furniture.

   2. From the 1st to the 11th of January 2nd Class Hospital Assistant Kalka
Das held medical charge of the lock-hospital, Assistant Apothecary J. H. Shore
being in charge from the 12th January to the 3rd February, when it reverted to the
hospital assistant in consequence of Mr. Shore having been detailed for detachment
duty. On the 15th of March the hospital came under my charge.

   3. The extent of venereal disease which occurred amongst the European troops
during the year is shown in the following table :—

Months. Average
Months. Average
January 111.60 ... ... July 428.00 1 4
February 465.75 3 5 August 427.00 ... 5
March 450.60 4 7 September 427.50 ... ...
April 432.00 1 2 October 426.25 ... 1
May 428.00 ... 1 November 412.00 ... ...
June 428 00 1 ... December 406.75 ... 1
        Total 403.72 10 26

   The six admissions in May and August include four either relapses or gleety

   From the foregoing it will be seen that venereal disease began to be in the
ascendant immediately after the arrival of the 39th Regiment in the station, and attained
its highest rate in March. Whether this increase was due in the first instance to
intercourse with non-registered women it would be hard to say, and might possibly be
unjust ; but from periodical examinations made on the march from Delhi to Jhánsi, I
am in a position to state that none of the women who accompanied the regiment were
diseased., but rapidly became so after arrival. On my taking over charge in March, the
disease was so prevalent and of such a vicious nature that it was decided bi-weekly
examinations should be held, which were continued until the end of May, when a
marked diminution in the admissions became apparent.

   Twelve of those attacked in this station were under treatment for one or other of
the various types of secondary disease during the year, following in most cases in
quick succession. February gave 1, March 5, April 2, June 1, July 2, and October
1, allowing primary syphilis 5 and gonorrhœa 7, or 1 in 2.66 of acute disease.