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the good results arising from the supervision in cantonments empowered by the Con-
tagious Diseases Act, and also in the harm that has resulted from the closing of the
lock-hospital in the city.

      In a large and populous town like Lucknow venereal will exist even under the
strictest supervision ; without such it must do so to a large and ever increasing extent.

      Such being the case, a lock-hospital at once suggests itself as one of the least
expensive and most simple means by which the progress of the disease may in a
manner be checked.

      It is not to be supposed that all affected women would avail themselves of the
institution ; but if even only a very few of their number did so, it is hard to say how
many cases of disease would thereby be avoided.

      The matter is one that demands the most serious attention of those in authority,
and in my opinion the "Act" should be extended to the city. If that cannot be
done, then by all means let the lock-hospital there be re-opened.


      1. Hospital arrangements.—No description of the hospital itself is necessary.
The buildings have been repeatedly described, and no change in them has been made.

      The dry-earth system of sanitation is in force and works satisfactorily.

      The patients whilst under treatment in hospital daily receive—

Atta ... ... 1 lb
Dal ... ... 2 oz.
Ghee ... ... 1 drachm.
Salt ... ... 1½ drachms.

On Sundays three chittacks of mutton in addition; and the necessary extras of beef-
tea, &c., when requisite.

      The water supply is good and sufficient. Ample bathing arrangements exist for
the use of the women.

      Each patient is supplied with a cot and a blanket,. but wears her own clothing.

      Occasional supplies of old hospital clothing are received from the Commissariat
Department for the use of the sick.

      The hospital has 24 beds ; this is sufficient for all ordinary requirements.

      Medical charge.—.The hospital has been under my control during the whole of
the year.

      2. Extent of venereal disease amongst the European troops.—The admissions to
hospital during the past year for venereal disease amongst the European troops to

strength per cent. have been ... ... ...   ... 15.2—
In 1872 they were ... ... ... ... ... 18.9
„ 1873 ,, ... ... ... ... ... 15.2
,, 1874 ,, ... ... ... ... ... 25·5
,, 1875,, ... ... ... ... ... 34·2
„ 1876 ,, ... ... ... ... ... 25·7

      This shows a decrease during the year of 10·5 per cent., and reduces the aver-
age admissions during the past six years to 22·4 per cent.

      3.   Cantonment Sub-committee.—The committee has met regularly once a
month. It has been accustomed at these meetings to review the subject of admis-
sions for venereal disease amongst the troops.

      4.   At my request, the committee approved of a change being made in the
venereal returns, viz., the introduction of an additional column showing the admis-
sions for local venereal ulcer as distinguished from primary syphilis. This change
will require the sanction of the higher military and medical authorities.

      5.   Special measures for the control of prostitution.—The detective police have
continued their labours during the year, and from the steady decrease in the admis-