( 88 )

      32. In 1876 there were 600 admissions, a percentage to strength of 25·7 ; in 1877
there have been 356 admissions, a percentage to strength of 15·2 (see statement on
last page).

      33. This is a very material diminution, and should be considered as a strong.
encouragement for a persistence in the lock-hospital system.

      34. For purposes of comparison I have taken a table from the Army Medical
Department blue-book for 1873 (the latest in my possession), showing the prevalence
of venereal disease at 14 stations in England, in which the Contagious Diseases Preven-
tion Act is in force.

      35. Table showing the admissions into hospital for primary venereal sores and
gonorrhœa in the United Kingdom.


Year. Average
venereal sore.
Gonorrhœa. Ratio per 1,000.
venereal sore.
1865 43,474 4,077 4,937 95 115
1866 39,476 3,444 4,573 87 116
1867 39,911 3,640 5,274 91 132
1868 42,595 3,533 5,685 83 133
1869 42,017 2,765 4,466 66 106
1870 41,580 2,268 4,081 54 98
1871 54,096 2,763 6,254 52 115
1872 50,794 2,752 5,280 54 104
1873 48,039 2,420 3,946 50 82
1874 48,136 2,039 2,968 42 62

      36. For further comparison I append another table extracted from Dr. Bry-
den's report on the vital statistics of the Bengal Presidency, dated Calcutta, 1874,
showing the ratio of admissions into hospital for venereal diseases amongst the troops
in Lucknow for a period of ten years from 1860 to 1869 :—


Year. Admissions into hospital for venereal disease per 1,000 of the
average strength in each year.
1860 405·2
1861 267·0
1862 410·0
1863 301·3
1864 208.5
1865 188 4
1866 252·5
1867 181·1
1868 247·4
1869 170·7

      37. And lastly, I append a table showing the ratio of admissions for venereal
disease amongst the troops in Lucknow for a period of five years from 1873 to 1877,
with the diseases shown separately :—


Year. Average
Admissions to hospital per 1,000 of the average
strength in each year.
Gonorrhœa. Total
1873 2,467 66· 63· 129·
1874 2,525 92· 142· 234·
1875 2,490 177· 134· 311·
1876 2,332 104· 152· 256·
1877 2,327 58· 102· 160·
  Average 99· 118· 218·