( 90 )

the detection and punishment of such prostitution ; we need rules and regulations,
distinct and salutary, for the punishment of soldiers consorting with unregistered pros-
titutes.; and lastly, we need a grant from the Imperial Exchequer to enable the authorities
to feel that their hands are not cramped and fettered, as regards financial considerations,
in dealing with a subject which requires and demands the expenditure of both time
and money, to enable those entrusted with its management to secure a satisfactory
termination to their labours.

      46 In Lucknow especially the difficulty of suppressing illicit prostitution has
long been a sad hindrance to successful administration, and latterly the difficulty has
been increased a thousand-fold by the abolition of the city lock-hospital.

      47 The abolition of the city lock-hospital.—I have reason to believe that some
doubt still exists in some minds as to whether the closure of this hospital was the retro-
grade step it was said to be.

      If that doubt really does exist still, let me ask the sceptical to turn to the state-
ment appearing on the last page of this report, and there I think they will find ground
for self-reproach and remorse.

      48 Contrast the admissions amongst the men quartered in Fort Machi Bhawun
with those from any other corps quartered in cantonments, and what is the result?

      49 I will explain the matter in detail.

      Fort Machi Bhawun is situate close on the borders of the great city, estimated to
have a population of 300,000 persons. In the fort is quartered a battery of artillery,
the men of which are debarred by the long distance from frequenting cantonments:
consequently they are wholly dependent upon the city for their supply of free love.

      50 What are the natural and obvious consequences of this condition of things?
They are fairly defined by the figures shown in the statement I have alluded to.

      51 With an average strength of 83 men, the battery contributes to the venereal
returns the enormous ratio per 1,000 of admissions to strength of 506. ; or to put it in
different words, the admissions having been 42, and the strength 83, it follows that
more than half the battery have been in hospital at least once for venereal disease
during the past year.

      52 There is nothing now, nor can I find that there ever has been, anything to
equal this percentage in cantonments even in its worst years ; and if further evidence
of the mischief which has been wrought by the abolition of the city lock-hospital be
needed, it is shown in the following figures :—

Table showing the admissions into hospital for venereal deseases amongst the troops
quartered in Fort Machi Bhawun.


Date. Average strength. Number of admissions. Ratio per 1000 of strength.
1873 82 17 207.
1874 77 6 77.
1875 72 8 104.
1876 82 25 304.
1877 83 42 506.

      [N. B.—the city lock-hospital was closed on the 1st September, 1876, and of the
25 cases admitted in that year 12 were contracted after the closure of the hospital.]

      53 To carry this point still further, it is an actual fact that in the sixteen months
which have elapsed since the closure of the hospital there have been 54 admissions to
hospital ; whilst in the three years and nine months previous to the closure there were
only 44 admissions ; that is to say, that in space of time very nearly three times as long
as the period since the abolition of the hospital there were 10 admissions less than in
that period.