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Annual Statement No. II of the Lock-Hospital at Lucknow Cantonments for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Area. Number of registered pros-
Average number of re-
 gistered prostitutes in
 each month and for
 the year.
Average number
of prostitutes
attending the
Number reported to the
 cantonment magis-
 trate for non-attend-
Number of prostitutes
 found diseased at the
 periodical examination
 and treated in hospi-
Record of diseases. Average number of
 prostitutes in hos-
 pital for each
 month and for the
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Area over which the rules
 for the provention of vene-
 real disease are in force.
Number remaining on
 the register at the end
 of last year
  January 100 January 85 January ... January 38 Syphilis, primary, 1 11 12 9 ... 3 12 January 15
  February 99 February 79 February 4 February 28  Do., secondary, ... ... ... .. ... ... ... February 19
98 March 101 March 79 March 4 March 33 Gonorrhœa ... 36 36 33 ... 3 36 March 14
Number added to the
 register during the
  April 100 April 82 April 2 April 25 Leucorrhœa 6 304 310 300 ... 10 300 April 16
  May 92 May 74 May ... May 44 Abrasion 2 68 70 66 ... 4 70 May 19
48 June 98 June 75 June ... June 43                 June 21
    July 102 July 82 July 1 July 40                 July 19
Total 146 August 104 August 80 August 2 August 40                 August 18
Number removed from
 the register during
  September 104 September 86 September 1 September 27                 September 15
  October 109 October 88 October 1 October 40                 October 16
39 November 110 November 89 November 4 November 29                 November 15
Number remaining on the
31st December, 1877.
107 December 109 December 86 December 3 December 32                 December 17
Total 146 Average for the
102 Average 82 Total 22 Total 419* Total 9 419 428 408 ... 29 428 Average for

* Inclusive of 34 unregistered prostitutes.

Annual Statement No. III. of the Lock-Hospital at Lucknow Cantonments for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Month. Receipts. Expenditure. How paid.
Fees. Fines. Total. Pay of medical
Pay of establish-
All other expenses. Total expenses. By Gov-
From cantonment,
        Rs. Rs. Rs. a p. Rs. a. p. Nil. Rs. a. p. Nil. Rs. a. p.
January Nil. Nil. Nil. 100 100 35 10 1 235 10 1 235 10 1 235 10 1
February 100 100 41 0 5 241 0 5 241 0 5 241 0 5
March 100 100 43 2 9 243 2 9 243 2 9 243 2 9
April 100 100 35 15 1 235 15 1 235 15 1 235 15 1
May 100 100 43 5 7 243 5 7 243 5 7 243 5 7
June 100 100 51 0 5 251 0 5 251 0 5 251 0 5
July 100 100 43 15 6 243 15 6 243 15 6 243 15 6
August 100 100 50 13 9 250 13 9 250 13 9 250 13 9
September 100 100 51 9 0 251 9 0 251 9 0 251 9 0
October 100 100 57 2 9 257 2 9 257 2 9 257 2 9
November 100 100 49 6 3 249 6 3 249 6 3 249 6 3
December 100 100 57 15 3 257 15 3 257 15 3 257 15 3
Total 1,200 1,200 561 0 10 2,961 0 10 2,961 0 10 2,961 0 10

N. B.—The expenses during the latter months have been greater owing to the prevalence of famine prices.


Staff Surgeon.