( 105 )

supposed to last for a year, but it rarely does so, and meanwhile its owner may at
any time claim her discharge from the register on giving satisfactory proof of an
altered life or other employment.

Table No. 4.—Return of the average strength, &c., of the registered prostitues of Sita-
pur from 1st January to 31st December, 1877, together with averages of sickness,.
discharges, &c.

Particulars. Total. Remarks.
Average strength of pros-
  108.45       The number of registered prostitutes has been steadily increasing
since prostitution became legalized in this station, and it is greater
this year than ever. The ratio of admissions to strength has increas-
ed in proportion, and this increase is otherwise accounted for by
my desire or endeavour to stamp out or minimise the disease in this
small isolated station, and consequent detention of trivial cases. The
other items explain themselves.
Average daily sick ... 13.94
Number of admissions ... 322
Ditto discharges ... 325
Ditto deaths ... Nil.
Percentage of admissions to strength.   .23
Ditto discharges ditto   .24

      European troops and their liability to disease.—The European troops stationed in
this garrison during the past year were the headquarters and right wing of Her
Majesty's 1-14th Regiment and the corresponding portions of Her Majesty's 92nd
Highlanders. The records of the former are not, I regret to say, now available
for reference by me, and as regards the latter I submit a table which shows at a glance
the venereal diseases for which the men of that corps were treated from the 2nd of
February, the day on which they reached the station, till the 31st December last inclu-
sive. Eliminating from this, as is only proper under the circumstances, the items
marked 'primary' and 'secondary' syphilis, which were obviously not contracted
here, we have still a large amount of inefficiency to account for, and yet this is consi-
derably less than was that of its predecessors. The admissions to strength in the 1-14th
amounted in 1876 to 323.68, while they have only reached 240.08 in the 92nd; and while
only 93 of the latter suffered from disease contracted in Sitapur, 147 of the former
were the victims of a local infection. Gonorrhœa was unfortunately the prevailing
disease among the troops, a good deal of which, there is reason to believe, was contracted
from unlicensed women in the vicinity of cantonments or in the outlying jungles,
and a medical inspection that was instituted by myself in June last in the 92nd
brought to light a considerable amount of latent 'gleety' disorder in that corps.
For the rest table No. 5 will explain the situation, and high though the percentage
of admissions be, yet does it compare favourably with the experience of the
past, and I am weak or vain enough to hope that if the rigid standard aimed at by
myself will be carried out, the disease may be still further reduced, if, indeed,
it cannot be quite minimised in this station.

Table No. 5.—Return of the admissions for venereal disease that took place in Her
Majesty's 92nd Gordon Highlanders from the 2nd of February to 31st December, 1877.

Regiment. Period a resi-
dence in sta-
Number of admissions during
the period.
Total. Ratio of admis-
sions per 1,000
of strength.
92nd Regiment
(the Gordon
2nd February, 1877,
to 31st December,
408.18 Primary syphilis ... ... 9  
  Secondary do. ... ... 4  
  Gonorrhœa ... ... 84  
  Balanitis ... ... 4  
  Bubo (gonorrhœal) ... ... 2  
  Gleet ... ... 5  
  Total   ... 108 264.70
  Cases contracted at other places, 15 36.75
      Ditto at Sitapur   ... 93 227.84

   Table No. 6, being supplementary to the above, requires no explanation, and its bear-
ing on the issues contemplated here is not very obvious.