( 106 )

Table No. 6.—Return of the admissions that took place at certain periods of the year in
Her Majesty's 92nd Highlanders.

First quarter admissions Second quarter admis-
Third quarter admis-
Fourth quarter admis-
20 48.75 11 26.94 51 124.92 26 63.69

      Royal Artillery.—In addition to the above there was a battery of Royal Artillery
in the station which left it en route for England on the 19th of last October. This
battery—E-19th Royal Artillery—was succeeded on the 10th of December by another,
viz., I-5th Royal Artillery, and this is the, one now on duty here. It brought with it
from without five cases of 'venereal,' and regretting that the absence of records will
not permit my giving any particulars of the former, I subjoin tables respecting them,
and leave these to speak for themselves:—

Table No. 7.—Estimate showing the extent of various forms of venereal disease among
Her Majesty's I-5th Royal Artillery stationed at Sitapur from 10th to 31st Decem-
ber, 1877.

Number of admissions during the period. Total. Ratio of admissions per
1,000 of strength.
168 Primary syphilis ... ... ... ... 4 23.80
Secondary do. ... ... ... ... 1 5.95
Gonorrhœa ... ... ... ... 1 5.95
  Total ... 6 35.70
Cases contracted at other places   ... ... ... 5 29.70
  Ditto at Sitapur   ... ... ... 1 5.95
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.
None. None. None. 6 35.70

Table No. 8.—Statement showing the extent of various forms of venereal disease among
Her Majesty's E-5th, late E-19th, Royal Artillery stationed at Sitapur from 1st
January to 19th October, 1877.

Number of admissions during the period. Total. Ratio of admissions per
1,000 of strength.
  No records.          
  Total ... ... ... ... ...
  Cases contracted at other places ... ... ... ... ...
  Ditto at Sitapur ... ... ... ... ...
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.
quarter admissions.

      Supplementary tables.—Of the subjoined tables, which I have marked, for pur-
poses of reference or comparison, 9, 10, and 11 respectively, little need be said, inas-
much as they are merely the counterparts of similar forms in the past, and, moreover,
they only contain details of a purely technical character or local interest. They are
intended to exhibit, in as condensed a form as is possible, under the circumstances, the