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Table No. 10.—Annual Statement No. II. of the Lock-Hospital at Sitapur for the year 1877.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Number of registered prostitutes. Average number of
prostitutes on the
register in each
month and for the
Average number of
prostitutes attend-
ing the periodical
Number reported
to the canton-
ment magistrate
or other civil au-
thority for non-
Number of pros-
titutes found
diseased at the
periodical ex-
RECORD OF DISEASES. Average number
of prostitutes for
each month and
for the year.
Diseases. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
Number remaining on the regis-
ter at the end of last year
104 January 104.03 January 75.3 January ... January 22 Gonorrhœa 5 57 62 59 ... 3 3 January 14.7
February 109.2 February 77.8 February 3 February 20 Primary syphilis 2 31 33 33 ... ... ... February 15.3
Number added to the register
during the year 1877
42 March 107.1 March 72.2 March 2 March 23 Leucorrhœa 3 105 108 103 ... 5 5 March 18.
Total 146 April 103.5 April 73.06 April 2 April 24 Ulcer 1 11 12 12 ... ... ... April 13.2
May 103.8 May 74.1 May 3 May 22 Abrasions 2 111 113 111 ... 2 2 May 9.8
Number who removed their
names from the register, died,
or absconded during the year
34 June 102.7 June 73.1 June 2 June 26 Abscess ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... June 10.8
July 103.4 July 70.6 July 2 July 40 Scabies ... 2 2 2 ... ... ... July 15.03
Number remaining on 31st De-
cember, 1877
112 August 107.6 August 73.1 August ... August 34 Bubo   1 1 1 ... ... ... August 13.4
September, 111.5 September, 80.7 September, 2 September, 33 Hæmorrhoids ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... September, 14.1
    October 117.09 October 85.80 October 2 October 27 Syphilitic warts ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... October 14.36
    November, 115.9 November, 78.36 November, 1 November, 23 Ischio-rectal abscess ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... November, 15.33
    December, 115.4 December 73.8 December, 6 December, 25                 December 13.8
Total 146 Average for
the year.
108.45 ... 76.21 ... 25 ... 322 Total 13 323 335 325 ... 10 10 ... 13.94