( 119 )

      45 The medical officer reports that the number of cases of venereal disease
would indeed have been less amongst the European troops but for the happening of
several cases contracted from unlicensed women at the musketry camp six miles from
the station. The women were apprehended.

      The regimental police prevented śtrange or suspicious women from entering the lines.

      The women were regular in their attendance for examination; venereal disease
has decreased amongst the women, and was of a mild type. The same remark applies
to disease amongst the soldiers.

      Amongst the women 3 cases of syphilis and 23 cases of gonorrhœa were recorded;
amongst the soldiers 9 cases of syphilis and 66 cases of gonorrhœa, and the correla-
tion is fairly established. Only cases of venereal disease proper were admitted to hos-
pital amongst the women.

      46 The cantonment magistrate solicits the consideration of Government to the
subject of extending the area of lock-hospital jurisdiction to a distance of four miles
around cantonments; which apparently would include the site of the musketry camp.

      47 The superintendent of Dehra Dún considers the results of the lock-hospital
management for the year are satisfactory. He does not think the area of jurisdic-
tion should be extended, as such proceeding might lead to harassment of the villages.

      48 The commissioner agrees with the superintendent, believing that the pro-
posed extension of jurisdiction would cause much trouble to the villages influenced,
without compensating advantage to the lock-hospital management.


      49 During the year 1877 a monthly average of 18 women remained on the
register at Muttra against 17 in 1876.

      The results of the management have been very satisfactory. The ratios of vene-
real cases amongst the European garrison for the four years 1874-77 have been 190,
127, 132, and 96 Per 1,000 respectively.

      50 The medical officer reports that several cases of gonorrhœa resulted from
sexual intercourse with unlicensed women.

      51 The magistrate thinks the results of the management have been good, but
is of opinion that the diseases which affected the soldiers may have been contracted from
the registered women only, and thinks their more frequent inspection would have been

      52 The commissioner notes the decided improvement in the result of the manage-
ment during the past year.


      53 During the year 1877 a monthly average of 22 women remained on the re-
gister against 21 in 1876.

      The results of the management have been unsatisfactory. The ratios of venereal
cases amongst the European garrison for the four years 1874-77 have been 275, 95,
141, and 255 per 1,000 respectively.

      54 The medical officer reports that a better accommodation than the existing
one small room is required for the resident native doctor, and servants' quarters are
required, a fact commented on yearly by a succession of deputy surgeons-general.

      During the year the registered women who lived in temporary grass huts
amongst the barrack coolies were removed to stone-built huts away from the coolies'
and below the soldiers' barracks. The women disliked the change, as it took them out
of native society.

      The chief difficulty in effecting a good management was the prevalence of unlicensed
prostitution; even married women, who cannot be registered, practised prostitution with
their husbands' permission. The two detective chaprasis employed rarely effected