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No. I.—Annual return of women registered, and diseases treated in the Lock-hospitals of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, for the year 1877.

Number. Lock-hospital at Total of prostitutes registered. Number who removed names, died or absconded. Monthly average of prostitues on the register. Monthly average attending periodical examinations. Total number of cases reported to Magistrate for non-attendance in the year. Total number of cases of disease discovered and retained for treatment in the year. RECORD OF DISEASES TREATED. Total of both forms of disease. Monthly average number of prostitutes in hospital. Remarks.
Gonorrhœa, leuchorrœa and other minor forms of disease. Syphilis.
Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total. Remained. Admitted. Total. Discharged. Died. Remaining. Total.
1 Cawnpore ... 254 91 154.14 134.63 81 396 2 164 166 158 ... 8 166 11 232 243 224 ... 19 243 409 25.53  
2 Agra ... 223 92 138.10 129.0 116 131 9 100 109 103 ... 6 109 3 31 34 31 ... 3 34 143 6.37  
3 Bareilly ... 156 52 95.29 90.58 54 160 3 79 82 79 ... 3 82 6 81 87 83 ... 4 87 169 12.94  
4 Allahabad ... 193 73 129.73 88.37 692 468 10 323 333 311 ... 22 333 9 145 154 150 ... 4 154 487 22.59  
5 Meerut ... 150 65 84.10 64.20 32 79 1 54 55 50 ... 5 55 ... 25 25 23 ... 2 25 80 12.31  
6 Benares ... 120 55 71.40 50 50 56 167 7 96 103 97 ... 6 103 13 75 88 77 ... 11 88 191 14.60  
7 Moradabad ... 78 24 56 91 49.37 15 16 ... 5 5 5 ... ... 5 ... 11 11 10 ... 1 11 16 0.70  
8 Ranikhet ... 51 8 35.11 31.12 3 199 ... 124 124 117 1 6 124 ... 75 75 69 ... 6 75 199 14.15  
9 Roorkee ... 40 14 19.62 19.45 1 23 ... 19 19 19 ... ... 19 ... 4 4 4 ... ... 4 23 0.90  
10 Sháhjahánpur ... 51 13 34.54 32.37 27 179 6 152 158 156 ... 2 158 3 27 30 29 ... 1 0 188 8.66  
11 Chakrata ... 32 4 23.73 23.73 ... 30 ... 26 26 26 ... ... 26 ... 3 3 3 ... ... 3 29 0.94  
12 Muttra ... .36 12 18.0 18.0 ... ... ... 70 70 70 ... ... 70 ... 1 1 1 ... ... 1 71    
13 Naini Tal ... 49 33 21.95 14.85 25 99 47 82 129 85 ... 44 129 13 17 30 16 ... 14 30 159 4.87  
14 Jhánsi ... 29 8 16.42 15.18 4 15 ... 6 6 6 ... ... 6 ... 9 9 8 ... 1 9 15 0.40  
15 Lucknow ... 146 39 102.33 82.08 22 419 8 408 416 399 ... 17 416 1 11 12 9 ... 3 12 428 17.00  
16 Fyzabad ... 127 43 92.87 79.00 19 297 15 218 233 227 ... 6 233 7 79 86 79 ... 7 86 319 19.99  
17 Sitapur ... 146 34 108.45 76.21 25 322 11 291 302 292 ... 10 302 2 31 33 33 ... ... 33 335 3.94  
  Total ... 1,881 657 1,202.69 998.64 ... ... 119 2,217 2,336 2,200 1 135 2,336 68 857 925 849 ... 76 925 3,261 ...  
  Total for 1876 ... 2,415 707 1,819.58 1,133.12 1,244 3,164 109 2,121 2,230 2,142 3 85 2,230 102 1,092 1,194 1,124 2 68 1,194 3,424 191.46