( 28 )

      These words, I think, describe very well the true circumstances of the case. The
system provides lock hospitals, medical officers and establishments, rof women and their
maintenance in hospital when diseased, at a cost, for the past year, of Rs. 36,405-7-3.
But the action of the soldiers defeats the object aimed at. Attracted to other women,
they do not support the registered women, who for means of livelihood receive the
visits of native men, to the danger of disease where safety is desired.

      To the cost abovementioned must be added a considerable sum for printing
charges. And some account must be taken of the extraordinary amount of official
correspondence which the system entails. Year after year, reports, returns, opinions,
letters and statements accumulate, until the book printed under the heading
" Working of the lock hospitals" reached, in 1877, to a volume of 135 foolscap

      16. Gathering the results of all this endeavour into one small table, the figures
of which, excepting for the column of 1878, are taken from statement II., attached to
the note on the lock hospital reports of 1877 of the Sanitary Commissioner with the
Government of India, the unwelcome fact appears that, as regards venereal disease,
the British troops of these provinces suffered therefrom in nearly equal ratio during
the five years before lock hospitals were established, and during the five years last past.

      Annual ratio of admissions from venereal disease per 1,000 of British troops occupying
the following Cantonments for the five years before lock hospitals were opened and for
the five years 1874-78.

No. Cantonments. Mean of the 5
years before
lock hospitals
were opened.
1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. Mean of the 5
years 1874-78.
1 Cawnpore 324. 398. 375. 229. 237. 303. 308.
2 Lucknow 272. 298. 389. 321. 206. 292. 301.
3 Agra 212. 208. 145. 141. 275. 397. 233.
4 Allahabad 305. 352. 290. 220.' 247. 354. 293.
5 Bareilly 312. 251. 163. 136. 171. 213. 187.
6 Meerut 324. 185. 223. 149. 151. 243. 190.
7 Fyzabad 287. 333. 503. 345. 211. 196. 318.
8 Benares 373. 418. 419. 593. 597. 334. 472.
9 Moradabad 274. 255. 252. 123. 199. 374. 241.
10 Ránikhet * 153. 184. 141. 58. 288. 468. 228.
11 Sháhjahánpur 360. . 300. 245. 319. 333. 299.
12 Chakráta 142. 128. 120. 186. 68. 162. 133.
13 Jhánsi 309. 284. 99. 185. 155. 188. 182.
14 Naini Tal 281. 244. 157. 170. 257. 187. 203.
15 Roorkee 209. 200. 209. 170. 101. 262. 188.
16 Mutter 193. 254. 195. 176. 146. 223. 199.
17 Sitapur 342. 380. 397. 334. 296. 333. 348.
  Mean of the 17 hospitals 274.8 273.2 257.4 222.8 230.8 286.0 254.3


* One year.

Mean of 16 hospitals.

Mean of four years.

The 17th May, 1879,

C. PLANCK, SURGEON-MAJOR,                  
Sany. Commr, and Supdt.-Genl. of Vaccination,       
N. W.-P. and Ouch.