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      56. During the year 1879 a monthly average of 45 women remained on the
register against 43 in 1878.

      57. The results of the management have been satisfactory. For the five years,
1875-79, the ratios of admissions to hospital for venereal disease amongst the Euro-
pean garrison have been 263, 224, 305, 333, and 244 per 1,000 of strength respec-

      58. The Medical Officer reports three changes of medical charge during the year.
The management has shown improved results. Of the 55 cases of disease recorded
amongst the soldiers, 12 were contracted at places other than Sháhjahánpur.

      The 43 eases contracted at Sháhjahánpur provide a ratio per 1,000 of only 191.1.

      The sub-committee has assembled regularly during the year. The women were ex-
amined weekly. Some severe cases of gonorrhœa wore seen amongst the women, but
only one severe case of syphilis, and this was the case of an unregistered woman.

      Much unlicensed prostitution prevailed, and 17 women were arrested for this cause
during the year. The women were regular in their attendance for examination. Absen-
tees were reported and punished by fine. The money thus realized was expended for
the dieting and clothing of unlicensed women admitted to hospital. A very small
number of secondary cases were observed during the year, which points to the useful-
ness of the institution.

      59. The Magistrate of the district summarises the results, and thinks the results
of the year's management satisfactory.

      60. The Commissioner also summarises the results, and notes a very great im-
provement in the health of the troops as compared with the previous four years. He
thinks the few cases of secondary recorded proves the usefulness of the institution.


      61 During the year 1879 a monthly average of 38 women remained on the
register against 54 in 1878.

      62. The results of the management have not been satisfactory. The ratios of
admissions to hospital for venereal disease amongst the European garrison, for the
six years, 1874-79, have, been 175, 143, 52, 381, 468, and 313 per 1,000 of strength

      63. The Medical Officer reports that the lock hospital accommodation is ample in
every respect

      Three medical officers have had charge of it during the year, at different times.
The results of the management in 1879, although better than those of 1878, yet are

      The weekly returns have been regularly received, and the sub-committee has
assembled regularly throughout the year.

      The employment of special peons, for the detection of unlicensed prostitution, was
discontinued in January, and their duties placed in the hands of the general police.

      European regimental police were employed throughout the year. But neither
the European or native police contributed much, by their action, towards the repres-
sion of unlicensed prostitution.

      The native police were useless from their venality, and the Europeans did not
patrol in the proper places.

      Certain coolie women, employed in making a new road, were pointed out as
likely to be a cause of the disease prevalence amongst the men of the 34th Regiment.
But the Commanding Officer and Medical Officer of the Regiment were of opinion that
men of the 34th would not consort with such women.