( 6 )

No. 181.

    Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to all Commissioners of
Divisions, North-Western Provinces and Oudh (except Rae Bareli), for

No. 182.

    Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to the Presidents of Can-
tonment Committees in these Provinces, for information and communi-
cation to the Medical Officers in charge of hospitals.

No. 183.

    Copy, with copy of above endorsements, forwarded to the Sani-
tary Commissioner, North-Western Provinces and Oudh, for informa-
tion and guidance, with reference to his No. 274, dated 25th May last ;
and for report as to para 4.


Junior Secy. to Govt., N.-W. P. and Oudh.