( 15 )

disease imported with the troops, the results will appear very favourable. At the close
of the year the prevalence of disease amongst the men increased ; and measures were
taken to combat this prevalence by extra police vigilance and by the adoption of
restrictive measures as regards the liberty of the men. Good results followed, on one
occasion during the year, from a restriction of the wandering habits of the men.

    Many coolie women at Ránikhet employed on buildings offer temptations too
great for resistance by the soldier. These women will supply the soldier's want for a
copper coin and in private. A visit to a registered woman costs more, and has some-
thing of the charcter of openly confessed depravity about it.

    The prevention of this dangerous, yet popular, intercourse with unregistered
women can only be effected by the Commanding Officer. Of 8 unlicensed women
arrested during the year all were found diseased. One of these persons was living in
the hospital servants' quarters.

    The Sub-Committee assembled on every Cantonment Committee day throughout
the year.

    56. The Commissioner forwards the report without remark.


    57. During the year 1880 the lock hospital was closed, there being no European
garrison at Sitapur. It is entered here to retain its place as No. 12 in the series.
The hospital was re-opened on the 1st January, 1881.


    58. During the year 1880 a monthly average of 22 women remained on the
register against 32 in 1879 and 38 in 1878.

    The results of the management have been satisfactory. The ratios of admissions
to hospital for venereal disease amongst the European garrison for the seven years
1874-80 have been 198, 146, 124, 66, 262, 132, and 178 per 1,000 of daily average
strength respectively.

    59. The Medical Officer reports that the lock hospital hut at Rcorkee became
almost a ruin in September, 1880, owing to heavy rain. Another building was occupied
temporarily. Recently the erection of a new building has been planned and awaits the
sanction of Government. In April the Cantonment Committee injudiciously recom-
mended the closing of the Lock Hospital ; consequently it was closed and venereal
disease spread to a great extent. It was re-opened on the 21st September. Then
the examination of 30 women showed 16 to be diseased, some badly. Great harm was
done by the closing of the institution, chiefly by increase of disease amongst the women.

    Two women who accompanied the European regiment to Roorkee in November
were found diseased on examination.

    All women known to practise prostitution with soldiers are registered. An
unregistered woman doing this would be severely punished by the,Magistrate, who ren-
ders willing aid.

    The existing management is efficient, but the great requirement is a new building.
Coolie women give trouble, but with the help of the Magistrate it is hoped this source
of disease will be removed.

    The Commanding Officer takes great interest in the subject and supports the
action of the Medical Officer.

    60. The Cantonment Magistrate reports a strict economy of expenditure by the
Committee. The police report shows that Roorkee is now free from unregistered pros­-
titutes. One woman was fined during the year for practising unlicensed prostitution
with soldiers.

    61. The Cantonment Committee agree with the Medical Officer in thinking the
temporary closing of the hospital injudicious, as it permitted marked increase of
disease amongst the women.