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No. III.—Statement of average expenditure incurred in the Lock hospitals of the North-
Western Provinces and Oudh during the year 1880.

Number. Lock hospital. Total
Average number
  of women on the
  register during
  the year.
Average number
  attending for
  examination dur-
  ing the year.
Cases of disease
discovered dur-
ing the year.
Per woman re-
Per woman ex-
Per case of dis-
  ease treated.
    Rs. a. p.       Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.  
1 Allahabad 2,904 6 11 159 123 440 18 6 9 23 9 9 6 9 6  
2 Cawnpore 3,140 7 2 119 118 344 26 6 2 26 13 5 9 2 0  
3 Agra 3,299 3 7 116 110 229 28 7 0 29 15 10 14 6 8  
4 Meerut 2,509 7 8 112 92 148 22 6 5 27 4 5 16 15 3  
5 Lucknow 3,252 2 7 95 69 502 ... ... ...  
6 Bareilly 2,276 3 9 118 108 224 19 4 6 21 1 2 10 2 7  
7 Fyzabad 2,735 0 6 90 64 232 30 6 2 42 11 8 11 12 7  
8 Benares 2,308 13 2 68 50 202 33 15 3 46 2 9 11 6 10  
9 Moradabad 1,237 8 6 68 39 74 21 5 4 31 11 8 16 11 6  
10 Sháhjahánpur, 1,746 12 6 47 44 218 37 2 7 39 11 2 8 0 2  
11 Ránikhet 1,670 14 9 40 33 96 41 12 4 50 10 1 17 6 5  
12 Sitapur ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Hospital
13 Roorkee 762 14 6 24 16 46 31 12 7 47 10 10 16 9 4
14 Jhánsi 562 3 9 29 27 33 19 6 2 20 13 2 17 0 7  
15 Naini Tal 1,459 4 8 28 22 50 52 1 10 66 5 3 29 2 11  
16 Muttra 483 15 9 13 13 20 37 3 8 40 5 3 24 3 2  
17 Chakráta 759 0 8 9 9 10 84 5 4 84 5 4 75 14 5  
18 Fatehgarh 660 0 0 27 27 84 24 7 1 24 7 1 7 13 8  
  Total, 1880 31,768 7 7 1,152 964 2,952 27 9 2 32 15 3 10 14 5  
  Total, 1879 36,711 3 3 1,287 1,109 3,474 28 8 4 33 1 7 10 9 9  

No. IV.—Statement showing the prevalence of venereal disease amongst soldiers of
the European garrisons during 1880, its prevalence in the previous five years,
and its prevalence for five years before the opening of lock hospitals.

Number Station. Daily average strength
  of European garrisons
  in 1880.
Admissions to hospital for
venereal disease in
Ratio of admission to
  1,000 of strength in
Mean ratio of preced-
  ing five years.
Mean ratio of five years
  previous to the open-
  ing of lock hospitals.
Gonorrhœa and
  minor forms of
Syphilis Total.
1 Allahabad 1,007 127 90 217 215.4 240.5 307.0  
2 Cawnpore 964 83 126 209 216.8 263.6 324.0  
3 Agra 761 132 175 307 203.4 236.0 212.0  
4 Meerut 990 155 93 248 250.5 162.6 324.0  
5 Lucknow 2,128 177 237 414 194.5 275.8 272.0  
6 Bareilly 720 130 80 210 291.6 188.8 228.0  
7 Fyzabad 355 35 16 51 143.6 282.6 287.0  
8 Benares 453 107 113 220 485.6 420.5 373.0  
9 Moradabad 247 58 52 110 445.3 223.6 300.0  
10 Sháhjahánpur 467 86 75 161 344.7 273.9 361.0  
11 Ránikhet 659 92 90 182 276.1 271.4 *153.0 *Open only 1 year.
  Hospital closed
  during 1880.
12 Sitapur ... ... ... ... ... 316.2 342.0
13 Roorkee 84 8 7 15 178.4 146.0 210.0  
14 Jhánsi 338 34 11 45 133.1 131.2 310.0  
15 Naini Tal 225 13 53 66 293.3 204.6 244.0  
16 Muttra 37 8 6 14 378.3 166.4 216.0  
17 Chakráta 313 15 5 20 63.8 126.4 142.0  
18 Fatehgarh 206 69 58 127 616.8 ... ... Opened in 1880.
  Total, 1880 9,954 1,329 1,297 2,616 262.8 231.1 278.2 Omitting Ráni-
  Total, 1879 10,262 1,487 1,164 2,641 257.3 254.3 278.2