List of Errata to be appended to the Annual Report of the working of the Lock Hospitals
in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh for the year 1881.

Page 3, para. 7, second line, read 119 for 159, and 145 for 171.
" 4 " 11, last line, read " working of the system " instead of
" working the system."
" 4 " 12, first line, read 131 for 133.
" 4 " 12, second line, read 116 for 159.
" 4 " 12, fifth line, read 163 for 232.
" 10 " 31, fifth line, read 194 for 195.
" 10 " 32, twenty-seventh line, read " C. C." instead of "G.O."
" 11 " 36, fifth line, read 313 for 295.
" 11 " 38, last line, read " likely to " instead of " to likely."
" 11 " 39, last line, read " consort " instead of " consert."
" 13 " 46, fifth line, read 333 for 335.
" 14 " 51, last line, read 258 for 285.
" 16 " 61, seventh line, read 181 for 194.
" 16 " 63, third line, read 181 for 194.
" 17 " 66, first line, read " remark " instead of " remarks."
" 19 " 79, last line, read 290 for 360.
" 21 " 84, last line, read " plan" for " place."
" 22 " 92, ninth line, read 222 for 221.
" 23 " 94, third line, read 231.6 for 232.3.
" 23 " 96, second line, add " the" before " Moradabad city."
" 24 " 99, eleventh line, read " legitimate " for " ligitimate."
" 25 (table),   opposite Meerut read 95 for 94.
" 25, para. 101, thirteenth line, read " of their" instead of " on their."
" 27 " 109, twelfth line, read 1,299 for 1,399.
" 29, statement No. I., column 6th, total, read 1,145.39 for 1,145.30.
" 29 " " " 7th, line 18th, read 19.70 for 18.00.
" 29 " " " 7th, line 19th, total, read 983.64 for 981.94.
" 29 " " " 17th, opposite Fatehgarh, read 2 for blank.
" 29 " " " 18th, ditto Lucknow, read 81 for 83.
" 29 " " " 19th, ditto Fatehgarh, read 57 for 55.
" 29 " " " 20th, ditto ,, read 53 for 55.
" 29 " " " 22nd, ditto ,, read 4 for blank.
" 29 " " " 23rd, ditto ,, read 57 for 55.
" 29 " " " 24th, ditto ,, read 57 for 55.
" 29 " " " 17th, total, read 144 for 142.
" 29 " " " 19th, ditto, read 2,278 for 2,276.
" 29 " " " 20th, ditto, read 2,147 for 2,149.
" 29 " " " 22nd, ditto, read 130 for 126.
" 29 " " " 23rd, ditto, read 2,278 for 2,276.
" 29 " " " 24th, ditto, read 3,336 for 3,334.
" 29 " " " 24th, total of 1880, read 3,125 for 3,168.
" 29 " " " 25th, ditto, read 204.4 for 278.3.
" 30, statement No. II., column 6th, opposite Allahabad, read 1,126 for 1,128.
" 30 " " " 5th, opposite Fatehgarh, read 180 for 140.
              Rs. a. p.   Rs. a. p.
" 30 " " " 6th, ditto, read 405 4 1 for 345 0 0
" 30 " " " 7th, ditto, read 825 4 1 for 725 0 0
" 30 " " " 9th, ditto, read 825 4 1 for 725 0 0
" 30 " " " 10th, ditto, read 825 4 1 for 725 0 0
" 30 " " " 11th, ditto, read 27 12 0 for blank.