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calculation, the daily average strength of the garrison has been taken to be 1,592
The true daily average of strength for the year was 1,114, and the ratio of cases 232
per 1,000.)

   A large majority of the soldiers' venereal affections must have been contracted
from unlicensed women, as out of 56 instances of reported infection by registered
women, only in eight were there any grounds for the charge.

   The Lock Hospital Committee meets whenever there is anything special to bring
before it. Measures taken to check unlicensed prostitution met with little success
during the year. Twelve men were employed by the regimental authorities as a regi-
mental police, but they could be of little use. The unlicensed women do not live in
the sadr or regimental bazaars, but lurk after dark about the outskirts of the city and
near the fort. It is calculated that more than 1,000 prostitutes live in the city, of
whom only 59 were registered. These registered persons are generally old and ugly.
A younger and cleaner variety might well be brought on to the register.

   The registered women are divided into two sets—one of the city, an average of
59 ; the other of cantonments, average 74. The city women were examined once a
fortnight and were irregular in attendance, 171 cases of absence having been reported.
The cantonment women were examined once a week, and were more regular in at-
tendance. Amongst the city women there was increased disease during the year.
Amongst the cantonment women there was less disease in 1881 as compared with
1880. If possible, registration is to be extended amongst city women—a measure
strongly urged, as likely to be beneficial in arresting the progress of venereal disease
generally in the station. A matron is employed at the hospital.

   14. The Cantonment Magistrate reports, that the Cantonment Committee desires
to support the suggestion, of the Medical Officer; favouring an increased registration
of city women known to the police as receiving the visits of soldiers. The results for
the year are favourable, and they show that success has attended the efforts of the
local authorities to check disease.

   15. The Magistrate of the District forwards the report, with the remark that
it is a more satisfactory document than usual. The satisfactory result may be due to
the employment of a regimental police. The Magistrate is of opinion that the city
prostitutes proper number about 300. Of the 59 registered the majority are young,
some must of necessity be old. He desires to call attention to the fact that the
medical charge of the lock hospital changed hands six times in the course of the year.

   16. The Commissioner of the Division records a decided improvement in
result for the past year, but thinks it unsatisfactory that the Sub-Committee should
assemble only when anything special had to be brought before it. So far as can be
ascertained from the papers, no action at all was taken by this Committee during the
year. The Commissioner agrees with the Medical Officer in thinking that the num-
ber of registered city women should be increased. He thinks the Cantonment
Magistrate ought to supervise this work.

   The registration of a more attractive class of women does not appear to have
been attempted during the year. The frequent changes of management cannot have
had beneficial effect.


   17. During the year 1881 a monthly average of 95 women remained on the
register, against 112 for 1880, and 136 for 1879.

   The results of the management have been rather unsatisfactory. For the eight
years, 1874-81, the ratios of admissions to hospital for venereal disease, amongst
the European garrison, have been 179, 159, 84, 144, 243, 183, 149, and 216 per 1,000
of strength.

   18. The Medical Officer reports the lock hospital accommodation as in every
respect suitable. The medical charge of the hospital changed hands five times during