( 31 )

No. Ill.—Statement of average expenditure incurred in the Lock Hospitals of the North
Western Provinces and Oudh, during the year

Number. Lock Hospital. Class. Total expenditure. Average number of women on the register during the year. Average number attending for exa-
mination during the year.
Cases of disease discovered dur-
ing the year.
Average cost— Remarks.
Per women registered. Per women examined. Per case of desease treated.
      Rs. a. p.       Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.  
1 Allahabad 1st 2,926 15 9 137 103 451 21 5 10 28 6 8 6 7 7  
2 Cawnpore " 3,354 4 6 108 108 273 31 0 11 31 5 7 12 4 7  
3 Agra 4,435 9 3 131 114 234 76 7 7 108 2 11 53 7 0  
4 Meerut 2,473 14 7 95 77 233 26 1 8 32 2 0 10 9 10  
5 Lucknow 3,095 7 4 87 52 377 35 9 2 59 8 5 8 3 5  
6 Bareilly 2,146 7 7 113 108 160 18 15 0 19 13 8 13 6 7  
7 Fyzabad " 2,573 7 5 76 62 128 33 13 9 41 8 1 20 1 8  
8 Benares " 2,485 7 11 56 47 143 45 3 0 52 14 1 17 6 1  
9 Moradabad 2nd 1,396 9 3 67 55 173 20 13 6 25 6 3 8 1 2  
10 Sháhjahánpur, 1,677 8 0 42 40 178 39 15 0 41 12 6 9 6 9  
11 Ránikhet 2,116 7 5 51 49 238 42 5 3 43 3 1 8 14 3  
12 Sitapur " 1,210 5 0 54 47 160 22 13 4 25 12 0 7 9 0  
13 Roorkee " 1,707 3 10 34 33 181 50 3 4 51 11 9 9 6 11  
14 Naini Tal " 1,323 15 3 27 23 55 49 0 7 57 9 0 24 1 1  
15 Jhánsi 3rd 515 13 5 15 15 22 34 6 2 36 13 6 23 7 1  
16 Muttra " 535 10 6 11 11 14 53 9 0 53 9 0 38 4 2  
17 Chakráta " 1,053 7 3 18 18 102 58 8 4 58 8 4 10 5 3  
18 Fatehgarh 725 0 0 23 19 55 31 8 4 38 2 6 11 5 9  
  Total ... 35,753 10 3 1,145 981 3,177 31 3 7 37 7 3 11 4 0  
  Total of 1880 ... 31,768 7 7 1,152 964 2,955 27 9 2 32 15 3 10 14 5  

No. IV.—Statement showing the prevalence of venereal disease amongst soldiers of
the European garrisons during
1881, the prevalence in the previous five years,
and for five years before the opening of the Lock Hospitals.

Number. Station. Daily average strength of European garrisons in 1881. Admissions to Hospitals for venereal disease to 1881. Ratio admissions to 1,000 of strength in 1881. Mean ratio of preceding five years. Mean ratio of five years previous to the opening of Lock Hospitals. Remarks.
Gonorrhœa and allied forms of disease. Syphilis. Total.
1 Allahabad 1,272 164 141 305 239.7 234.4 307.0  
2 Cawnpore 881 83 80 163 185.0 253.8 324.0  
3 Agra 1,592 136 123 259 162.6 296.4 212.0  
4 Meerut 1,435 130 180 310 216.0 160.6 324.0  
5 Lucknow 2,489 238 412 650 261.1 236.2 272.0  
6 Bareilly 884 90 65 155 175.3 219.2 228.0  
7 Fyzabad 818 130 29 159 194.3 210.6 287.0  
8 Benares 454 120 22 142 312.7 449.4 373.0  
9 Moradabad 193 54 33 87 450.7 280.2 300.0  
10 Sháhjahánpur 422 41 44 85 201.4 290.0 364.0  
11 Ranikhet 1,358 134 216 350 257.7 298.0 * * Open one year only. Ratio of that year 153.0
12 Sitapur 353 31 113 144 407.9 275.2 342.0
13 Roorkee 453 42 38 80 176.6 152.4 210.0
14 Naini Tal 231 28 27 55 238.1 244.2 244.0  
15 Jhánsi 357 43 12 55 154.0 146.2 310.0  
16 Muttra 89 10 20 30 337.0 216.6 216.0  
17 Chakrátta 886 84 173 257 290.0 127.6 142.0  
18 Fatehgarh 205 30 24 54 263.4 Hospital opened iR 1880. Ratio of that year 616.8.
  Total 14,372 1,588 1,752 3,340 232.3 240.6 278.2
  Total of 1880 9,954 1,329 1,287 2,616 262.8 231.1 278.2 Figures subject to revision