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to appoint a joint committee of civil, military, and medical officers to
examine and report on the causes of comparative failure, and to consider
what measures should be adopted to remove them. The subject requires
to be dealt with as a whole, and not merely in connection with the special
circumstances of any particular cantonment; and the question of the dis-
ciplinary measures to be enforced towards the soldier is one with which
the civil authorities are not competent to deal.

   9. In paragraph 110 the Sanitary Commissioner again urges that
the management of lock hospitals, and the duty of reporting on them
should be transferred to the Army Medical Department. In this view the
Lieutenant-Governor and Chief Commissioner is disposed to concur.
Reference was made to this point in paragraph 11 of the review on the
last report, and I am to enquire whether it is desired that the present
arrangement should continue.

   10. The points requiring the special notice of the Government are
stated by the Sanitary Commissioner in paragraph 111 of the report. Some
of them have been noticed in previous years, and the Lieutenant-Governor
and Chief Commissioner regrets that so little notice seems to have been
taken of the suggestions and recommendations made regarding them.
In so far as want of available funds has prevented compliance with recom-
mendations which were made, it would appear to be for the Military
Department to consider whether additional funds ought to be, or can be,

   I.—The cantonment committee of Allahabad were told in paragraph
10 (1) of the review on last year's report that they should arrange for a
lock hospital with suitable and sufficient accommodation.

   II.—The grant of free quarters to registered women is for canton-
ment committees and the military authorities to consider.

   III.—The Sanitary Commissioner will be requested to convey to Doc-
tor Seaman, Surgeon-Major Carew, and Hospital Assistant Karim Bakhsh,
the acknowledgments of Government for their good service during 1881.

   IV.—The cantonment committee of Agra should arrange for the pro-
vision of a proper water-supply for the lock hospital there.

   V.—The irregular manner in which the Agra sub-committee holds
its meetings was referred to both last year and the year before, and it
was stated that the matter is one for the President of the cantonment
committee, who is the military officer in command of the station, to deter-
mine. His attention should be again drawn to it.

   VI.—The cantonment committee should arrange for the provision
of accommodation for the hospital assistant in charge of the lock hospital
at Fyzabad.

   VII.—The attention of the cantonment committee, Moradabad, has
for two years past been drawn to the unsuitableness of the site of the
lock hospital at Moradabad, and the Commissioner will now be requested
to do so again. The question is an urgent one, seeing that under the
existing arrangements it is impossible that the system can be worked with
any prospect of success.