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mittee be appointed, I shall be very glad to aid,. to the best of my ability, its arrival at
a just comprehension of all that has gone before in regard to this subject—and of all
that remains to be effected, before hope of success can vitalize the scheme.

   Concerning the third, it seems hardly necessary to comment. So obvious does it
appear, and so universally upheld the opinion—that, in view of the existence of a lock
hospital scheme with its company of registered women, the soldier ought not to be
able to visit unregistered women. In regard to the reformatory method of dealing with
unregistered women offenders, I should say that it is condemned (paras. 33 and 34)
by the Magistrate and Commissioner, and therefore is not likely to receive favourable
attention. Yet I do not hesitate to record the belief, that a great deal of good might
be effected in this direction, if, in any effectual way, it could be brought home to these
women, that the Government looks with extreme disfavour upon their consort with or
enticement of the soldier. At present I have reason to think they do not know this,
but rather believe that, so long as no disease results, they commit no offence in respond-
ing to or encouraging the soldier's desire. But greatest help of all in this direction
would come, certainly, from any action of the military authorities, efficient to hinder the
soldier's visits to these women, who address him as sahib, and can hardly be expected
to resist his advances.

   107. As regards disease amongst the women during the year of report, the
necessary particulars will be found in form I. attached to this report. Amongst a
total of 1,677 persons registered during any period of the year, 2,048 cases of vene-
real disease and 1,069 cases of non-venereal disease—total 3,117— were treated in
hospital. Of these 2,974 were discharged cured or relieved, two died, and 141
remained for treatment.

   These figures compare favourably with the results recorded for the year 1881,
inasmuch as they show a decrease of venereal disease, in 1882, by 230 cases. In-
deed, in 1882, there was important decrease of disease amongst the women at the
seven stations, Allahabad, Cawnpore, Benares, Moradabad, Sháhjahánpur, Sitapur,
and Roorkee. And but for an increase of 103 cases at Meerut, 123 cases at Ranikhet,
26 cases at Lucknow. And 61 cases at Chakrátá, the total results, as regards the
women, would have been very satisfactory.

   108. As regards disease amongst the soldiers during the year of report, the
necessary particulars will be found in form IV. attached to this report. Amongst a
daily average of 13,291 soldiers, a total of 3,506 cases of venereal disease were
treated in hospital―against 3,340 in 1881, with a daily average of 14,411soldiers.
It appears then that although the garrison was less in 1882, the cases of disease
were more numerous by 166 cases. Amongst the soldiers, as amongst the women,
there was important decrease of disease at Allahabad, Cawnpore, Benares, Moradabad,
Sháhjahánpur, and Sitapur. And but for an increase of 185 cases at Meerut, 105
cases at Ranikhet, and 122 cases at Lucknow, the results, as regards the soldiers,
would have been satisfactory.

   109. This correlation, of excessive disease and lessened disease, amongst the
registered women and the soldiers of the same stations, seems to indicate plainly that
either the women cause disease to the soldiers, or that the soldiers cause disease to
the women. But the weight of opinion favours the belief that both are in fault.
And it certainly indicates clearly the extreme importance of frequent medical exami-
nation of the registered women, if not at all times, certainly whenever disease com-
mences to increase amongst the soldiers.

   110. The expenditure on account of lock hospitals for 1882 is recorded in
forms II. and III. attached to this report.

   The figures show a total of Rs. 35,583-5-1 expended, of which Rs. 8,988-9-0 was
drawn from Imperial Funds, and Rs. 26,594-12-1 from Cantonment Funds. In 1881,
the total. was Rs. 35,853-14-4, of which Rs. 10,669-11-6 was drawn from Imperial