( 31 )

Funds, and Rs. 25,184-2-10 from Cantonment Funds. It therefore appears that the
total of expenditure was less by Rs. 270-9-3 in 1882.

   The very considerable decrease in the share paid from Imperial Funds, in 1882,
arose out of the fact, that the total expenditure, at Cawnpore and Jhánsi, was met
from Cantonment Funds in that year.

   111. The average cost of each woman registered, of each woman examined, and
of each case of disease treated, was greater in every instance in 1882. So long as the
number of women continues to decrease the average cost is likely to increase. The
largest averages are at Benares ; and in view of the figures recorded against that sta-
tion in form III,, it seems doubtful whether in justice it ought not to change places
with Ranikhet on the class list.

   112. Points requiring the special notice of Government—The points in this
report calling for the especial notice of Government are—

   I. Whether in consideration of the increasing opinion, favouring the provision
of rent-free quarters to the women, it might not be well to urge the advantage of per-
mitting a reasonable expenditure for that purpose. In 1881 a recommendation in
favour of that measure came from Cawnpore, Meerut, and Benares. In 1882, it
comes from Allahabad, Cawnpore, Agra, Meerut, Benares, Moradabad, Roorkee, Chak-
ráta, and Fatehgarh.

   II. The very important question as to whether it is wise, from an administra-
tive point of view, to sanction a continuance of lock hospital effort at a station where
the existing accommodation remains absolutely unfit. As for example at Chakráta
(para. 92).

   III. The question of the appointment of a Joint Committee to consider and
report upon the subject in its entirety (para. 105).

   IV. The pressing necessity—more apparent than ever before, in the records of
1882—of making really efficient provision, everywhere, against the soldiers' inter-
course with unregistered women, and of the intercourse of the registered women with
native men.


The 20th April, 1883.

C. PLANCK, F.R.C.S.,E., F.S.S.,


Sanitary Commissioner, N.-W.P. and Oudh.