
No. IV.—Statement showing the prevalence of venereal disease amongst the soldiers of the European garrisons during 1882, the prevalence in the previous five years,
and for the five years before the opening of the Lock Hospitals.

Number. Station. Daily aver-
age strength
of European
garrison in
Admissions to hospitals for venereal
disease in 1882.
Ratio of ad-
missions to
1,000 of
strength in
Mean ratio
of preced-
ing five
Mean ratio
of five years
previous to
the opening
of lock
and allied
forms of
Syphilis. Total.
1 Allahabad 1,092 75 97 172 157.5 247.0 307.0  
2 Cawnpore 944 119 12 131 138.6 250.6 324.0
3 Agra 1,089 150 108 258 236.9 324.4 212.0
4 Meerut 1,556 221 274 495 318.1 187.0 324.0
5 Lucknow 2,216 353 419 772 348.3 224.2 272.0
6 Bareilly 791 79 109 188 237.6 236.4 228.0
7 Fyzabad 769 86 16 102 132.6 180.4 287.0
8 Benares 416 43 90 133 319.7 416.2 373.0
9 Moradabad 179 36 33 69 385.4 350.8 300.0
10 Sháhjahánpur 379 40 39 79 208.4 285.6 364.0
11 Ránikhet 1,202 148 307 455 378.5 339.2 * *One year only, ratio of that year 153.0.
12 Sitapur 428 33 31 64 149.5 302.0 342.0  
13 Roorkee 397 82 40 122 307.3 163.0 210.0
14 Naini Tal 247 43 41 84 340.0 263.6 244.0
15 Jhánsi 300 25 6 31 103.3 140.0 310.0
16 Muttra 390 27 58 85 217.9 257.6 216.0
17 Chakráta 641 156 79 235 366.6 163.2 142.0
18 Fatehgarh 265 22 9 31 121.5 ... Ratios of 1880 and 1881, 617 and 221.
  Total 13,291 1,738 1,768 3,506 263.78 254.7 278.1  
  Total of 1881 14,411 1,588 1,752 3,340 231.60 240.1 278.1