( 14 )

soldiers affected by disease in 1882, and in 1883, was the same. This seems to prove
that the soldiers' diseases are contracted, as often from registered, as from unre-
gistered women.

   Although the visits of native men to the registered women should be forbid-
den, every registered woman should be allowed access to her fancy-man, or she will
not keep her name on the register. The good results of the year's management are
mainly attributable to the stringent measures taken to prevent the visits of native
men to the registered women. And to this stringency, the decrease in the number of
registered women may also be attributed. The failure, in regard to the expected gain
from a grant of rent-free quarters, has been due to the fact that access to native men
is forbidden there. Therefore the registered women refuse to live there. The Magis-
trate commends the dhai plan of management recommended by the Cantonment Ma-

   45. The Commissioner submits the report with the remark, that the results have
been satisfactory. He is at a loss to understand why the provision of rent-free quar-
ters proved a failure. At Fyzabad the plan worked well. The failure at Benares may
be attributed to the mistaken arrangement, of making the houses to open into one
common yard. Each house should have been detached, with a separate yard and
entrance. There is, probably, truth in the statement, that most of the soldier's disease
comes from the registered women. But the Commissioner can testify to the fact, that
soldiers at Benares still patronize coolie-women who hang about the outskirts of

   It is probably impossible to secure the services of a good class of women willing
to reserve themselves for soldiers only, for the soldiers cannot meet the just expecta-
tions of such women in regard to payment. The Commissioner thinks the expendi-
ture at the Benares lock hospital is, altogether, disproportionate to the record of work
performed there.


   46. During the year 1883, a monthly average of 63 women remained on the
register, against 67 in 1882.

   The results of the management have been unsatisfactory. For the 10 years,
1873-84, the ratios of admissions to hospital for venereal disease amongst the Euro-
pean garrison have been, 166, 162, 98, 115, 374, 369, 445, 451, 385 and 313 per
1,000 of daily average strength.

   47. The Medical Officer accompanied the European troops who were removed
from the station in November last. The lock hospital was reduced to a third class
institution from 1st October, and placed in charge of a medical subordinate unable
to write a report—consequently there is no medical report.

   48. The Officer Commanding forwards the returns, and reports as above ; also
that from 1st January, 1884, the hospital will be closed until the arrival of European
troops in March of that year.

   49. The Magistrate of the district considers the results of the year's manage-
ment satisfactory. And can state that, as a result of the measures encouraged by the
lock hospital sub-committee, the condition of the hospital bad been much improved
during the year.

   50. The Commissioner thinks the records available show clearly, that the
management was more satisfactory in 1883 than in 1882. And especially, that the
friction between the Civil authorities and the Medical Officer had ceased to operate—
a sufficient cause for improvement.