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   From Sháhjahánpur (paragraph 52)—that the soldiers had access to a large num-
ber of unregistered women, of whom 18 were arrested and all found diseased.

   From Sitapur (paragraph 60)—that the fruitful source of disease, in the soldier,
resides in the large number of unregistered women who solicit him in the vicinity
of the barracks. Of nine such examined four were found diseased.

   From Roorkee (paragraph 63)—that the soldiers contracted disease from the
coolie-women on the railway works.

   From .Muttra (paragraph 74)—that chiefly disease, amongst the soliders, was
contracted from unlicensed women who lurk about cantonments after dark.

   From Naini Tal (paragraph 67)—that the soldiers concerned, generally stated
They had contracted disease from unregistered women.

   From Chakráta (paragraph 77)—that of 47 cases of disease, 27 were probably
contracted on the line of march.

   From Fatehgarh (paragraph 82)—that in most instances of disease, the soldiers
stated they had contracted it from women met in ravines after dark.

   96. Disease prevalence amongst the soldiers also, in 1883, was decidedly less than
usual. Indeed, it was less in amount than has ever been recorded since the lock hos-
pitals were opened, with the sole exception of 1881, when the ratio of prevalence
was 41 per 1,000 less than in 1883. The ratios of admissions to hospital of the six
years, 1878-83, have been 295.0, 257.3, 262.8, 231.6, 263.7 and 235.7 per 1,000 of
daily average strength.

   Comparing local results for 1882 and 1883, the following figures appear for con-

Statement of venereal disease amongst the European garrison in 1882, and in

Number Station European garrison daily average strength. Cases of venereal disease.
1882. 1883. 1882. 1883.
1 Allahabad 1,092 846 172 110
2 Cawnpore 944 770 131 94
3 Agra 1,089 1,134 258 370
4 Meerut 1,556 1,517 495 486
5 Lucknow 2,216 2,104 772 394
6 Bareilly 791 706 188 171
7 Fyzabad 769 712 102 248
8 Benares 416 374 133 68
:9 Moradabad 179 179 69 56
10 Sháhjahánpur 379 206 79 85
11 Ránikhet 1,202 732 455 140
12 Sitapur 428 462 64 97
13 Roorkee 397 237 122 44
14 Naini Tal 247 254, 84 76
15 Jhánsi 300 307 31 33
16 Muttra 390 341 85 77
97 Chakráta 641 455 235 99
18 Fatehgarh 255 135 31 56
  Total 13,291 11,471 3,506 2,704

   And these local records show, that only in four localities was there decided
increase of disease in 1883—at Agra, Fyzabad, Sitapur, and Fatehgarh, whereas
in the remaining stations—omitting Jhánsi and Meerut, which show little difference
—there was marked decrease, notable indeed at Lucknow, Benares, Ránikhet, and

   97. So it appears that in four stations there was marked increase of decrease,
and in four marked decrease of disease. And it may be serviceable, to place in
contrast the reasons recorded for this extraordinary difference of result.