( 27 )

that is so, it seems reasonable to conclude that the registered women should be nu-
merous, and fairly attractive—conditions which are not fulfilled at present.

   I should add that at Cawnpore, where the results also have been favourable, much
of the good result is attributed (paragraph 8) to the action, of a police force, of 8 con-
stables and-one head-constable, who did their duty thoroughly.

   99. The reports contain the following recommendations:—At Agra the Magistrate
(paragraph 15) recommends the re-opening of the city inspection-room, which was
closed at the commencement of the year of report. The closing of this place has been
a cause of increased disease, for the cantonment lock hospital is too far off for the city
women to attend, with convenience, for examination. This opinion merits attention.
The Commissioner (paragraph 16) supports: it; and' also recommends the entertain-
ments of a special police force to: watch the houses of unregistered prostitutes—the
very measure to which success, is, attributed at Cawnpore.

   100, At Lucknow it is recommended by all authorities, excepting the Commis-
sioner, that the lock hospital rules. should be enforced within the area, extending
for 5 miles beyond the cantonment boundary, on all sides. This would include the city.
The Commissioner thinks it would be better to place the city and suburbs permanently
out of bounds to the soldiers—a far more reasonable view of the matter. But without
doubt the area of jurisdiction should extend to bazars and smaller centres of population
which neighbour the cantonments, yet do not. form part of the city proper.

   101. At Benares the Cantonment Magistrate recommends (paragraph 43) the
abandonment of the costly lock hospital system, And its replacement by a system of
management by dhais, a visiting dhai. to every. 8 registered women and a super-
intending dhai to every three visiting dhais. So that if established, say at Agra.
with its 107 registered women a body of 13 dhais and 3 superintending dhais would.
have to be entertained—a troublesome force to manage. Disease discovered by these
dhais to be cured in the civil hospital on payment. The Magistrate of the district
commends the plan, which is supported by the fact, that a considerable saving in ex-
penditure would result from its adoption. At Benares the establishment required
world be 4 dhais and 1 head dhai, and it is likely that so long as the present Canton-
ment Magistrate remained at Benares the results would be favourable. For his report
evidences a considerable interest in-this subject,,and'proves the existence of considerable.
effort on his part for the prevention of disease during-the year of report. To this may
fairly be-attributed the present good'results ate Benares-a place hitherto famous as a chief
centre of syphilitic disease to the British soldier. The Cantonment Magistrate's view
is that the soldiers contract their diseases chiefly from: the registered women, who are
not examined at sufficiently close intervals. There may be force in this. At Agra
(paragraph 13) it is allowed that 24 registered women, accused by soldiers. of caus-
ing disease, were found diseased. The plan recommended might be tried at. Benares,
more especially as.the Commissioner records the opinion that the expenditure there is
altogether out of proportion: to the work done—an opinion,which the figures of Form
No. III., in the appendix, serve to uphold.

   102; At Roorkee the re-employment of the dhai, whose pay was only Rs. 5 per-
mensem, is recommended by the Medical Officer, Cantonment Magistrate, and Magis-
trate of the district. It is said (paragraph 64) that her services were of undoubted
value to the soldiers who desired to escape disease, and her re-employment seems
undoubtedly desirable.

   103. At Chakrcita the removal of the lock. hospital from.: the centre-of the bazar
to an isolated building is urgently recommended by the Medical Officer (paragraph 77).
The propriety of this recommendation has been previously recorded. And also at:
Chakráta it is recommended that the Native Doctor who attends the lock hospital
should receive an allowance of Rs. 10 per. mensem for that work. It is certified that
the Native Doctor in question has done good work, gratuitously, in. this direction, for a