No. 174/V—10-4OF 1884.


                        N. W. PROVINCES AND OUDH,


                        HOME DEPARTMENT.

Dated Naini Tal, the 18th June, 1884.


   I AM directed to forward, for the information of His Excellency
the Governor-General in Council, the tenth annual report on the working
of Lock-Hospitals in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh for the year
1883. It has been prepared by the Sanitary Commissioner, and is accom-
panied by the original district reports, the return of which to this Go-
vernment is solicited.

   2. The report deals with 18 Lock-Hospitals, classified as—seven of
the first, seven of the second, and four of the third class. The Benares
Hospital has been removed from the first to the second class; with this
exception the number and grading of the institutions remain as they
stood in 1882.

   3. Financially, the results of the two years may be thus compared:—

  Total expenditure. Average cost
  Per woman registered. Per woman examined, Per case of Per disease
Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. P.
1882 35,583 5 1 32 11 3 37 11 8 12 4 0
1883 31,095 11. 0 31 12 2 36 15 7 14 2 0

The total saving effected in 1883 was Rs. 4,487-10-I. A small por-
tion of this is due to the degradation of the Benares Hospital; but by far
the greater part was rendered possible by a diminution of the cases of
venereal disease among the registered women, a diminution which, in its
turn, is to be ascribed partly to a decrease in their numbers and partly
to an immunity from disease which they have enjoyed in comparison with
the previous year. The extent of this relief is indicated by the higher
average cost of each admission to hospital.

   4. Rs. 4,203-2-0 only of the expenditure, being 13.5 per cent. of the
whole outlay, was borne by Government. The rest, viz., Rs. 26,892-9-0,
or 86.5 per cent., fell on cantonment funds. In 1882 the proportions
were 19.3 per cent. and 80.7 per cent., respectively. Ránikhet, which
previously received Rs. 2,400-9-4 from Imperial funds, this year bore the
entire outlay locally. In Moradabad and Roorkee the charges have
been re-distributed, with the result that cantonment funds, which in 1882
contributed Rs. 260-10-3 and Rs. 145-11-4, respectively, have in 1883
been made liable for Rs. 993-15-9 and Rs. 1,077-2-8, the Imperial charges