( 3 )

in England. But as it is clear from the various reports that nearly all
the venereal disease among the troops arises from intercourse with
unregistered women, it would scarcely seem reasonable to claim this miti-
gation of the type of disease as one of the results of the Lock-Hospital
rules. The Lieutenant-Governor and Chief Commissioner is pleased
to be able to observe that the administration of those rules during the year
1883 has been unattended with any instances of hardship or oppression,
has called forth no complaints, and has not in itself incurred for them
any general unpopularity.

I have the honor to be,


Your most obedient servant,


Secretary to Government,

N. W. Provinces and Oudh.

No. 175/V—10-5.

  COPY, with copy of report, forwarded to the Secretary to the
Government of India, Military Department.

No. 176/V—10-6.

   Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to the Quartermaster-
General in India.

No. 177/V—10-7.

   Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to the Sanitary Commis-
sioner with the Government of India, for information.

No. 178/V—10-8.

   Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to the Surgeon-General,
North-Western Provinces and Oudh, for information.


   Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to all Commissioners of
Divisions, North-Western Provinces and Oudh (except Rae Bareli), for

No. 180/V—10-10.

   Copy, with copy of report, also forwarded to all Presidents of Canton-
ment Committees in these Provinces, for information and communication
to Medical Officers in charge of Hospitals.